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简便计算教学中,当学生在理解、掌握有关概念、法则,定律和性质的基础上,必须着重培养他们自觉、正确、灵活地运用定律和性质,合理、熟练地进行计算的能力,以提高他们运算的技能和技巧。一、逐步取消指示性语言,提高运用定律、性质进行简算的自觉性统观几年来各地的升学试卷,屡见在计算部分试题前冠之以“能简算的要简算”一类的要求。这种指示性语言在客观上对学生起了一个暗示作用,无异于通知学生试题中最少有一道是简算题。这样不利于学生开动脑筋,认真审题。长此以往,就容易使学生养成一种等吃现成饭的惰性,以至阻碍学生思维的发展,影响分析问题和解决问题能力的提高。一旦没有指示性语言便往往不能自觉判别简算题和自觉运用简算法,以至走弯路,费时间,出差错。笔者认为:“能简算的要简算”乃属《大纲》关于计算方法要“合理、灵活”的本份要求,必须要求学生自觉做到。学生在熟练掌握简算的技能技巧以 In simple calculation teaching, when students understand and master the relevant concepts, laws, laws and nature, they must focus on training their ability to use the law and nature consciously, correctly and flexibly and reasonably and skillfully to improve their teaching Computing skills and skills. I. Gradual Cancellation of Indicative Language and Improvement of the Consciousness and Comprehensivism of Using Laws and Attributes Over the past few years, most of the examination papers for further studies have been repeated in the calculation of some of the questions before the title of “can be simple to be simple” category Claim. This indicator language objectively imposes a hint on the students, tantamount to informing students that at least one of the questions is a simple one. This is not conducive to students brains, earnest examination. Over time, it is easy for students to develop a kind of inertness to eat ready meals, so as to hinder the development of student thinking, affecting the ability to analyze and solve problems. In the absence of an indicative language, they often can not consciously determine simple questions and consciously apply simple algorithms, and even take detours, take time and make mistakes. The author believes that: “can be simple to be simple” is the “outline” on the calculation method to be “reasonable and flexible” of the requirements, we must require students to do it consciously. Students are proficient in simple skills skills
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比贝尔巴赫猜想获得证明 (数学) 一道具有六十八年历史的世界数学难题——比贝尔巴赫猜想,经过美国普渡大学数学家勃朗日的七年努力,终于在一九八四年得到了解决。这项成果
兴趣是人才成长的起点。培养学生观察的兴趣,是培养观察能力的前提。在自然课教学中,如何培养学生的观察兴趣呢? 创设“悬念”,激发兴趣。如,观察鸟飞行的特点,教师可先给学