The Package

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  One morning a mailman1 walked up to a house. He rang the bell.
  A few seconds later a window of the house opened, and a woman put her head out.
  “What is it?” she wanted to know.
  “Ive got a package2 for Mrs Smith,” the mailman said.
  “Is it registered3?” the woman asked.
  “Yes,” the mailman said.
  “Is it a big package or a small package?”the woman wanted to know next.
  “Its quite a big package,” the mailman told her.
  “I see.”
  The woman thought for a minute, then she said, “Who is it from?”
  The mailman looked at the return address4 on the back of the package.
  “Its from Jones and Jones in London.” he said.
  Now the woman was very interested. “From Jones and Jones, eh?” she said. “Thats a very expensive shop. Whats in the package?”
  “Madam,” the mailman said, becoming quite angry with the woman,“I dont know. Why dont you come down and take the package from me. Then you can open it and find out.”
  “Oh, I cant do that,” the woman said.
  “Why not?” the mailman said.
  “Because Im not Mrs Smith,” she said. “Youve come to the wrong house. Mrs Smith lives next door.”
  I. Match the sentences halves. (將下列前半句与后半句进行搭配。)
  a) A mailman walked up to a house
  b) The woman wanted to know
  c) The mailman told her
  d) The mailman was angry because
  e) The woman told the mailman
  f) if the package was registered.
  g) and rang the bell.
  h) the package wasnt for her.
  i) the package was from London.
  j) the woman wouldnt come down and take
  the package.
  Notes: 1. mailman /?meIlm?n/ n. 邮递员 2. package /?p?kId?/ n. 包裹  3.  registered /?red?Ist?d/ adj. 挂号的  4. return address 退信地址
  II. Choose the best answer to each question about the story. (为下列与故事内容有关的问题选择最佳答案。)
  1. What size was the package?
   a) Big               b) Small.
   c) Quite small.         d) Very small.
  2. What kind of shop was Jones and Jones?
   a) A dress shop.      b) A furniture shop.
   c) An expensive shop.
   d) A market.
  3. Why was the mailman angry?
   a) He was in a hurry.
   b) The woman was asking so many ques-
   c) It was the woman’s package.    d) He was hungry.
  4. What did the woman want to know all these
   a) She was Mrs Smith’s friend.
   b) She was collecting the package for her
   c) She was curious.
   d) She knew the mailman.
  III. Which words in these sentences are not spelled correctly? Circle them and write the correct spelling in the space provided. ( 下列句子中哪些词的拼写是不正确的?圈出拼写错误的单词并将正确的拼写形式写在空白处。)
  a) A women put her hed out of the window.
  b) The maleman said the pakage was regisered.
  c) The womman wanted to no weather the pakage
   was smal or big.
  d) The maleman sed, “Why do’nt you take the
   pakage from me?”
  e) The woman sed, “I can’t do that.”
  IV. Complete the following sentences about the story by putting in the missing words. (在空白处填上适当的词,补全下列与故事内容有关的句子。)
  a) A mailman ___ a package to a house.
  b) The woman who ___ in the house    __
   him many questions about it.
  c) He ___ most of her questions then ___
   her ___ take the package from him.
  d) She ___ not take the package because the
   package ___ not for her.
  V. Find words or phrases in the story opposite in meaning to the following (在故事中找到與下列词语意思相反的单词或短语。)
  a) many ___           b) closed ___
  c) small ___      d) cheap ___
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