
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hntkpop
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近几年来,语文教学日益重视改革的整体化、训练的序列化、教法的多样化、测试的标准化。总之,越来越重视教学的科学化。这跟长期以来改革的局部性、训练的盲目性、教法的单一性、测试的随意性相比,无疑是一个辉煌的进步。但语文教学中对人的研究,却至今未能引起应有的重视。语文教师首先是人,作为教育对象的学生也是人,师生关系首先是人与人的关系。人是教育全过程中最生动、最活跃的因素。忽视了这一点,教育就失去了灵魂。现状如何呢?且不说教学方面存在的问题,单就语文知识的传授而言,眼下是越搞越细,越搞越碎,越搞越烦,既苦了教师,也苦了学生。许多时候,不少做法已 In recent years, Chinese teaching has increasingly focused on the integration of reforms, the serialization of training, the diversification of teaching methods, and the standardization of testing. In short, more and more attention is paid to the scientific teaching. This is undoubtedly a brilliant advancement compared to the long-term locality of reform, the blindness of training, the unitary nature of teaching methods, and the arbitrariness of testing. However, the study of people in Chinese language teaching has so far failed to attract due attention. The language teacher is firstly a person, and the student who is the object of education is also a person. The teacher-student relationship is first of all a person-to-person relationship. People are the most vivid and active factors in the whole process of education. Ignoring this point, education will lose its soul. What is the status quo? And not to mention the problems in teaching, in terms of language knowledge alone, the more you work out, the more you work on it, the more you make it, and the more you make it, both for teachers and for students. Many times, many practices have
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