自那飘扬着中华人民共和国国旗的柳林海轮首次驶抵西雅图港,时光已流转了二十多个年头。从此,西雅图港和中远就结下了不解之缘,不仅结成坚实的合作伙伴,还是亲密的好朋友。 那些标志着COSCO的船只,它们运载的已不只是货物。在进行两国间贸易往来的同时,它们也为缔结两国的友好关系和深厚友谊作出了巨大贡献。这些努力已深刻地改变和改善了两国人民的生活。我
The time has come to twenty years for the first time that the Willow Harbor, flying the flag of the People's Republic of China, has arrived at the port of Seattle. Since then, the Port of Seattle and COSCO have settled a bond, not only formed a solid partner, or intimate good friends. Those vessels that mark COSCO carry more than just cargo. While conducting trade between the two countries, they have made tremendous contributions to the conclusion of the friendly relations and profound friendship between the two countries. These efforts have profoundly changed and improved the lives of the peoples of the two countries. I