Research and Design of Reconfigurable Matrix Multiplication over Finite Field in VLIW Processor

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Matrix multiplication plays a pivotal role in the symmetric cipher algorithms, but it is one of the most complex and time consuming units, its performance directly affects the efficiency of cipher algorithms. Combined with the characteristics of VLIW processor and matrix multiplication of symmetric cipher algorithms, this paper extracted the reconfigurable elements and analyzed the principle of matrix multiplication, then designed the reconfigurable architecture of matrix multiplication of VLIW processor further, at last we put forward single instructions for matrix multiplication between 4×1 and 4×4 matrix or two 4×4 matrix over GF(2~8), through the instructions extension, the instructions could support larger dimension operations. The experiment shows that the instructions we designed supports different dimensions matrix multiplication and improves the processing speed of multiplication greatly. Matrix multiplication plays a pivotal role in the symmetric cipher algorithms, but it is one of the most complex and time consuming units, its performance directly affects the efficiency of cipher algorithms. Combined with the characteristics of VLIW processor and matrix multiplication of symmetric cipher algorithms, this paper extracted the reconfigurable elements and analyzed the principle of matrix multiplication, then designed the reconfigurable architecture of matrix multiplication of VLIW processor further, at last we put forward single instructions for matrix multiplication between 4 × 1 and 4 × 4 matrix or two 4 × 4 matrix over GF (2 ~ 8), through the instructions extension, the instructions could support larger dimension operations. The experiment shows that the instructions we designed support different dimensions matrix multiplication and improves the processing speed of multiplication greatly.
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