Analysis of plant remains at the Neolithic Yangjia Site, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province(East China)

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hamjh
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According to archaeological investigation and preliminary excavation, the Yangjia Site, located in the northern Taihu Lake region, at Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, is a Neolithic archaeological site dominated by cultural remains attributed to the late Majiabang Culture(6270–5920 cal. a BP). Here a systematic archaeobotanical study was conducted to investigate vegetation landscape, environmental characteristics and rice agriculture in the prehistoric northern Taihu Lake area. The abundance, frequency and standard density of charred rice were the highest of all of the remains of the seed plants unearthed. In addition, a variety of wetland weeds, such as Haloragaceae, Cyperaceae, Carex sp., and Oxalis corniculata, were found. Pollen and phytoliths recorded that the evergreen-deciduous broadleaf mixed forest(represented by Quercus and Castanopsis) tends to decrease, while Poaceae was the most significant of the terrestrial herbs, water area expanded and water activities strengthened, indicating generally warm and humid conditions at the Yangjia Site during the late Majiabang Culture. All indicators of pollen, phytolith and macro-plant remains suggest that wild rice should be once distributed at or around the site before human occupation, after which rice agriculture progressed rapidly during the late Majiabang Culture. According to archaeological investigation and preliminary excavation, the Yangjia Site, located in the northern Taihu Lake region, at Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, is a Neolithic archaeological site dominated by cultural remains attributed to the late Majiabang Culture (6270-5920 cal. A BP Here a systematic archaeobotanical study was conducted to investigate vegetation landscape, environmental characteristics and rice agriculture in the prehistoric northern Taihu Lake area. The abundance, frequency and standard density of charred rice were the highest of all of the remains of the seed plants unearthed . In addition, a variety of wetland weeds, such as Haloragaceae, Cyperaceae, Carex sp., And Oxalis corniculata, were found. Pollen and phytoliths recorded that the evergreen-deciduous broadleaf mixed forest (represented by Quercus and Castanopsis) tends to decrease, while Poaceae was the most significant of the terrestrial herbs, water area expanded and water activities strengthened, indi All indicators of pollen, phytolith and macro-plant remain suggest that wild rice should be once distributed at or around the site before human occupation, after which rice agriculture progressed rapidly during the late Majiabang Culture
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