
来源 :实用肿瘤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hh0745cn12
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胃癌与食管癌为消化道常见癌肿,其双原发性癌较为少见。现将我院收治的1刨胃腺癌、食管鳞癌病例报道如下。金某,男性,69岁,退休工人,浙江嘉善人。因上腹部不适1年,进行性吞咽困难半年,经上海同仁医院胃镜检查,发现食管下端距贲门5cm处及胃窦部均有癌肿存在。病理诊断为胃腺癌、食管鳞癌。放弃手术等抗癌治疗,要求回当地医院作对症,支持疗法而收治。既往有机械性肠梗阻手术史,术后并发切口疝。体检:慢性重病容,消瘦,贫血貌,浅表淋巴结无肿大,心肺无殊,胸骨柄轻压痛,腹软,上腹切口疝(可回纳),无压痛,中上腹轻压痛,肝剑下4cm,质中,无压痛,采扪及包块,移动性浊音阴性。实验室检查:血红蛋白81g/L,自细胞8.6×10~9/L,中性0.78、淋巴0.22。 Gastric cancer and esophageal cancer are common cancers of the digestive tract, and their dual primary cancers are rare. Cases of gastric adenocarcinoma and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma admitted to our hospital are reported below. Kim, male, 69 years old, retired worker, Jiashan, Zhejiang. Due to discomfort in the upper abdomen for one year, the difficulty in performing swallowing was six months. After gastroscopy in Shanghai Tongren Hospital, it was found that the lower esophagus was 5 cm away from the cardia and there was cancer in the gastric antrum. Pathological diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Abandon surgery and other anti-cancer treatments and request them to return to the local hospital for symptomatic treatment and support treatment. The previous history of mechanical obstruction surgery, postoperative incision hernia. Physical examination: Chronic severe disease, weight loss, anemic appearance, no enlargement of superficial lymph nodes, no cardiopulmonary symptoms, light tenderness of the sternal shaft, soft abdomen, upper abdominal incision (returnable), no tenderness, light abdominal tenderness in the upper abdomen, liver Under the sword 4cm, quality, no tenderness, mining and mass, mobile dull voice is negative. Laboratory tests: Hemoglobin 81 g/L, 8.6 x 10~9/L from cells, 0.78 neutral, and 0.22 lymph.
本文报道经手术及病理检查证实的壶腹癌、十二指肠乳头癌及胆总管下端癌87例。特殊检查中 ERCP 确诊符合率为94%,B 超及 CT 分别仅为30%及25%。87例中行次全胰十二指肠切除术
脂肪肉瘤是软组织中常见恶性肿瘤之一。此瘤生长快慢不等,生存长短不一,国内[报导]最长存活20年。我院一例左下肢脂肪肉瘤,术后复发23次,三次截肢,存活26年,现报导如下: 男,