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2002年,尚未启动的数字电视市场“看上去很美”;2003年,广电总局发布《我国有线电视向数字化过渡时间表》,再度令设备制造商热血沸腾,任何类型的厂商宣称进入数字电视市场已不再是新闻。 但数字电视概念股纷纷涨停的热闹场面并不能令众多产业力量停止观望全面活跃起来。消费者依然无节目可看,运营商仍显动力不足,收费节目亦变为免费,数字电视产业一年来进展缓慢。这时,一直讨论激烈的标准问题已不是最大的障碍,价值链缺失这个意料之中的难题仍然无法回避。 规划中的“发展XXX万个用户”正越来越成为一种美好的预期。试播还在继续,运营商、平台商和内容商、价值链上环环相扣的三方利益更需要平衡,千亿级市场大门的真正开启并非是一纸“时间表”就能说了算的。 In 2002, the digital television market that has not yet started up looks “beautiful”. In 2003, SARFT released “China’s Cable TV to Digital Transition Schedule”, which once again aroused the enthusiasm of equipment manufacturers. Any type of manufacturer claimed to have entered the digital television market No longer news. However, digital television stocks have a daily limit of lively scene and can not make a lot of industrial power to stop watching the full active. Consumers still have no programs to watch. Operators are still not motivated and pay programs have become free. The digital television industry has made slow progress in the past year. At this time, the discussion of fierce standard questions has not been the biggest obstacle, and the expected loss of the value chain remains unavoidable. The planned “development of XXX million users” is becoming a better expectation. Pilot still continues, operators, platform providers and content providers, the value chain of the interlocking tri-benefit more need to be balanced, hundreds of billions of market doors really open is not a paper “timetable” can have the final say .
靠网络推广技术,自然做的技术大多和Internet 有关。网上什么样的软件最富推广性,自然就是帮助普通用户熟练上网的这一类。在这方面,3721在这段时间里名头最响亮。由于免费
A new site-specific nutrient management approach was developed to break the apparent attainable yield barrier of 6 t5ha+{-1} in the double rice cropping system
由西北农林科技大学试验农场高级农艺师王明岐同志选育的小麦新品种“西农 383”于 2 0 0 1年 8月 2 9日通过陕西省农作物品种审定委员会的审定。“西农 383”为冬性 ,其生长
根据铲运机在井下实际使用遇到的问题,指出了设计、制造和液压元件存在的问题,提出了改进意见。 According to the problems encountered in actual use of scraper in the