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我省油茶成林分布广,面积大,为全国总面积的四分之一。因林荒、株稀、树老、种劣及病虫害严重,大面积产量低而不稳,常年平均亩产仅3—5斤。在华主席关于“思想再解放一点,胆子再大一点,办法再多一点,步子再快一点”的号召鼓舞下,根据1978年全国油茶生产会议对现有油茶林提出的“一年垦复荒芜山,逐年改造老残林,加速营造高产林,力争产量翻一番,八年增三倍”和“植物油料木本化”的要求,经全省油茶科技协作会议讨论,拟订了江西省油茶低产林改造技术要点,供各地参考。 Camellia forest in our province is widely distributed, large area, a quarter of the total area. Due to forest shortage, thinning, old trees, poor quality and pests and diseases, large-scale production of low and unstable, perennial average yield of only 3-5 pounds. Encouraged by the call of Chairman Hua on the idea of ​​“re-liberation of the mind, more courage, more measures, faster pace of development”, according to the 1978 “National Camellia Production Conference on the existing Camellia Forest proposed” a year of reclamation barren Mountain, year after year transformation of old canyon, speed up the construction of high-yield forest, and strive to double the output, three times in eight years “and” woody plant oil "requirements, the province camellia tea science and technology conference to discuss the development of Jiangxi Province, Lin transformation of technical points for reference.
文章以单片机AT89C2051作为语音识别电路TSG410的外部控制器,介绍TSG410的CPU控制模式的工作原理及应用电路。 The article takes the AT89C2051 singlechip as the external controller of speech re
本文介绍了DVB传输系统的五个构成部分及DVB广播信道。 This article describes the five components of a DVB transmission system and the DVB broadcast channel.
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  Objective Hybrid procedures have recently been proposed as a less invasive alternative to conventional thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) surgery.This
中槐(Sophora japonica)又名国槐,槐树,原产我国,从南到北均有栽植,尤以黄土高原和华北平原最常见。我省关中地区群众素有栽植利用习惯,许多地方至今仍有“唐槐”古树。由于
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