一个神奇传媒的体育情结 大亨

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在观看奥运盛况时,人们发现世界的目光被电视机控制了,电视的需要决定着体育的发展。电视实际上控制了职业运动的命运,既表现在形式上,又体现在经济基础上。传媒报道体育运动,使其在全球产生了重要的影响,也深深地介入和干预其中。无论是足球改革,还是篮球、排球等改革,只要面向市场,就少不了与传媒的联姻。缺少了媒体的关注,任何一项体育运动都难以走进大众的视线。缺少了大众的“捧场”,任何比赛都别想捞大钱。体育对传媒的依赖,使媒体逐渐意识到,自己的权力完全可以直接控制体育比赛。而作为传媒世界里的拿破仑——鲁伯特·默多克,占领体育产业更是他一直以来的雄心壮志。早在1 996年,默多克在新闻集团年度会议上发言说:“体育的号召力超过电影和其他娱乐形式,获得体育节目播映权是广播业的潜力所在。” When watching the Olympic Games, people find the eyes of the world controlled by the television sets, and the needs of television determine the development of sports. Television actually controlled the fate of professional sports, both in the form and in the economy. The media reported that sport has had a significant impact worldwide and also deeply intervened and intervened in it. Whether it is football reform, or basketball, volleyball and other reforms, as long as the market-oriented, ultimately, the media and the marriage. Lack of media attention, any sport is difficult to walk into the public’s attention. The lack of public “join”, do not want any big game fishing. The dependence of sports on the media has made the media gradually aware that its own power can directly control the sports competition. As Napoleon-Rupert Murdoch in the media world, he occupies the sports industry and has always been his ambition. As early as 1996, at a press conference of News Corporation, Murdoch said: “The appeal of sport over movies and other forms of entertainment, and the right to broadcast sports programs, is the potential of the broadcasting industry.”
(87)鲁防学字第5号各市、地、县(区)、四大企业卫生防疫站: 元旦、春节即将来临,这是燃放烟花最多的时期,由此而引起的各种伤害、火灾事故也最多。据近几年的调查,受伤害者
中医学认为,春季养生重在养肝。 Chinese medicine believes that the spring regimen focuses on liver.
我们在进行农村妇幼保健试点工作中,发现两个家系8例遗传性耳聋。现报告如下: 家系一、先证者Ⅳ_8黎×,男性,2岁,体重8.75公斤,身高73.5厘米,头围45.6厘米,听力丧失,哭声洪