我们在这里要向读者们介绍几位老一辈中国物理学家的故事,他们都具有强烈的爱国主义精神,他们与灾难深重的中华民族同命运,共患难,以科学救国为宗旨,发奋图强,为振兴中华作出了卓越的贡献。 吴有训亲自吹玻璃 吴有训是我国著名的科学家和教育家,他以毕生精力致力于物理学研究和科学人才的培养,对我国科学教育事业作出过重要贡献。他的主要科学成就是全面验证了康普顿效应,进一步推进了康普顿效应的理论分析,促使科学界更深刻地认识到康普顿效应的普遍意义。 吴有训是江西人,1897年4月26日生于江西省高安县东南8公里处的石溪吴村的一个商人家里。自幼上私塾,1912年进高安县的瑞州中学,后随学校并入江西南昌第二中学。1916年以优异的成绩毕业于南昌二中,同年考入南京高等师范学校理化部,在那里受教于刚从美国哈佛大学归国的胡刚复。胡刚复曾从事X射线研究,熟悉国际上物理学发展动态。吴有训在胡刚复的指导下,对X射线有了基本了解,为后来的发展打下了良好基础。由于在农村养成了勤劳朴实的作风,他对动手实验有浓厚的
Here we are going to introduce to readers the stories of several elders of Chinese physicists who all have a strong sense of patriotism. They have the same destiny as the disaster-ridden Chinese nation, and they are struggling with the goal of saving the nation by science. Strong, made outstanding contributions to the revitalization of China. Wu Youxun personally blowing glass Wu Youxun is a famous scientist and educator in China. He dedicated his life to the study of physics and the cultivation of scientific talents, and made an important contribution to the cause of science education in our country. His main scientific achievement is the complete verification of the Compton effect, further promoting the theoretical analysis of the Compton effect, and prompting the scientific community to recognize more deeply the universal significance of the Compton effect. Wu Youxun was a man from Jiangxi who was born on April 26, 1897 in Shuxi Wu Village, a village 8 kilometers southeast of Gao’an County in Jiangxi Province. Since childhood, private school, high school into Gaozhou County in 1912, followed by the school merged into Jiangxi Nanchang second middle school. He graduated from Nanchang No. 2 Middle School with honors in 1916 and was admitted to Nanjing Normal University in the same year, where he was educated by Hu Gangfu, who just returned from Harvard University in the United States. Hu Gangfu engaged in X-ray research, familiar with the international development of physics. Under the guidance of Hu Gangfu, Wu Youxun had a basic understanding of X-ray and laid a good foundation for its subsequent development. Due to the hard-working and simple style developed in the countryside, he has a strong hands-on experience