峨眉山雄踞于四川盆地西南,主峰海拔3099米,是一座天然的博物馆。山上山下气候悬殊,自下而上由亚热带、温带、亚寒带植物呈垂直带谱,种类繁多,食用菌资源相当丰富,据初步统计大约有170多种,其中灵芝就有5种之多,如灵芝Ganoderma luci-dum,紫芝G.valesiacum,黄芝G.luteum,黑芝G.atrum,松杉芝G.tsugae 等。特别是灵芝,朵形较大,色彩艳丽,分布量多,十分引人注目。
Mount Emei is located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, the main peak elevation of 3099 meters, is a natural museum. According to the preliminary statistics, there are about 170 kinds of Ganoderma lucidum, of which there are 5 kinds of Ganoderma lucidum, for example, Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum, G. vasiacum, G. lucate, G. atrum, G. tsugae and others. In particular, Ganoderma lucidum, flower-shaped larger, colorful, more distributed, very compelling.