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通过建立半滑舌鳎家系对其白化现象进行了初步研究。实验共建立半滑舌鳎家系17个,首先对这17个家系白化率进行了抽样统计和方差分析,并对部分家系的白化个体的眼睛异常率进行了统计;其次,选取其中白化率较高的4个家系,对白化个体和正常个体的生长情况进行了对比;最后,对白化率较高的4个家系白化个体和正常个体的抗鳗弧菌病能力进行了比较。结果发现,不同家系个体白化率有较大的差别,3号家系白化率最高,高达94.50%,15号、33号和37号家系白化率为0.00%;父本为养殖群体的家系的平均白化率最高,为19.68%,父本为野生群体的家系的平均白化率最低,为3.21%,父本为选育群体的平均白化率为7.50%,但3者之间差异不显著(P>0.05);3个家系的白化个体眼睛异常率较高,5号家系为48.48%、10号家系为45.83%和12号家系为88.89%。选取4个家系对其白化个体和正常个体的生长情况进行比较发现,同一家系中3~4月龄白化个体在全长、体宽和体质量方面均显著或极显著小于正常个体,但生长至12~13月龄时,这种差异基本不显著,1号和17号家系白化个体的全长、体宽和体质量甚至超过了同家系的正常个体;1号和17号家系白化个体的日增重分别超过了同家系的正常个体。对选取的4个家系的白化个体和正常个体进行鳗弧菌感染实验发现,白化个体的死亡率均低于同家系正常个体,1号和17号家系的白化个体的抗病性相对同家系正常个体较突出,死亡率分别比正常个体低24.92%和20.25%。研究表明,半滑舌鳎野生群体的后代白化率较低,白化现象会伴随一定比例的眼睛异常,白化个体初期生长较慢,后期生长加快,甚至会超过正常个体,并且同一家系中白化个体的抗病性要优于正常个体。 Through the establishment of a family of half-smooth tongue 对 its whitening phenomenon was studied. In the experiment, 17 family members were established. First, the sampling rate and variance of the rate of whitening in these 17 families were analyzed. And the rates of abnormal eyes of albino individuals in some pedigrees were calculated. Secondly, 4 Pedigree, the comparison of the growth of albino individuals and normal individuals. Finally, the anti-angiogenic ability of 4 albino individuals and normal individuals with high albino rate were compared. The results showed that there was a big difference in the rate of albinism in different families, with the highest rate of whitening in family 3, up to 94.50%, and the rate of albinism in family 15, 33 and 37 was 0.00% The highest rate was 19.68%. The average rate of albino was 3.21% in the male with the male parent and 7.50% in the male parent. However, there was no significant difference between the three groups (P> 0.05 ). The eyes of albino individuals in 3 pedigrees had a higher abnormal rate of eyes, with 48.48% of the 5 pedigrees, 45.83% of the 10 pedigrees and 88.89% of the 12 pedigrees. Four families were selected to compare the growth of their albino and normal individuals. The results showed that the albinos from 3 to 4 months of age in the same pedigree were significantly or extremely significantly less than that of normal individuals in terms of total length, body width and body weight, The difference was not significant at 12 to 13 months of age, while the total length, body width and body weight of albino individuals in No 1 and No. 17 families even surpassed that of normal subjects in No. 1 and No. Weight gain over the normal family members respectively. In the selected four families of albino individual and normal individuals of Vibrio anguillarum infection experiments found that albino individuals were lower than the mortality rate of normal individuals of the same family, albino individuals No. 1 and No. 17 family disease resistance relative to the normal family Individuals more prominent, the mortality rate were lower than the normal individual 24.92% and 20.25%. The results showed that the offspring belonged to the lower percentage of whitefly, and the albino was accompanied by a certain proportion of ocular abnormalities. The albino individuals grew slowly at the initial stage and accelerated later, even more than the normal individuals, and the disease resistance of the albino individuals in the same line Better than normal individuals.
对于中小学校长的事实权力可能大于法定权力的行为走向,如果缺乏有效的制约机制和监督制度,校长行使公共权力与社会的公共利益就有可能相互矛盾甚至发生冲突。 The factual
STS教育与研究性学习课程的整合所引发的一场校本课程改革,必将导致教学方式和学习方式以及学 习内容的变革;通过STS教育与研究性学习课程的整合实践,必将取得更好的学习成效
鉴定蛋白质的常用化学试剂是双缩脲试剂。双缩脲试剂的成分是质量浓度为 0 .1g·mL- 1 的NaOH溶液 (双缩脲试剂A液 )和质量浓度为 0 .0 1g·mL- 1 的CuSO4 溶液 (双缩脲试剂B
同学们在学习三角函数时 ,大多比较注重三角函数的图象与性质 ,而对三角函数线重视不够 .其实用三角函数线解题直观、简捷 ,省时省力 .下面通过 6例以展示其解题的奇特功能 .
当生气时,回到你的心,好好地照顾愤怒。  只要一次念念分明的呼吸,就可以将你内在的自己与周遭的事物,重新联系在一起。修行可以将心中愤怒的火海转化成清凉的湖泊。  你也可以试试看,随身带面镜子,偶尔看看自己正处于什么心境下。  愤怒就像一朵花,如果你知道如何以正念的能量拥抱它,它就会开始对你开启心房。不是唯有菩萨才能做到,你也能将愤怒的垃圾转化成慈悲的花朵。“愤怒”与“爱”同样具有有机肥料的本质,它
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