
来源 :拉丁美洲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanzhow
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司法改革基本上是一个政治过程,是一个国家治理体系的改革与完善以及国家治理能力建设的过程。作为国家治理能力建设的重要组成部分,司法改革对民主的巩固起着重要作用。创建司法委员会、改革法官任期和任免程序、设立宪法法院、增加司法机构预算等都是为了保障司法机构的独立性;争端解决替代机制的发展、设立新的法院和派出法庭等措施增加了公民和组织寻求实现正义的途径;改革刑事司法程序和法律一体化既可以保障公民的合法权益、维护社会稳定,又可以吸引外资。这些措施都是建立健全国家治理体系的过程,对国家治理体系适应新自由主义改革以后的经济形势和改善投资环境发挥了重要作用。 Judicial reform is basically a political process, a process of reforming and improving a country’s governance system and building the capacity of state governance. As an important part of national governance capacity building, judicial reform plays an important role in the consolidation of democracy. The establishment of judicial committees, the reform of the tenure and appointment and removal of judges, the establishment of a constitutional court and the increase in the budget of the judiciary are all aimed at safeguarding the independence of the judiciary; the development of alternative mechanisms for dispute settlement, the establishment of new courts and the sending of tribunals have increased the number of citizens and Organizations seek ways to achieve justice; reform of criminal justice procedures and legal integration can not only safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, maintain social stability, but also attract foreign investment. All these measures are the process of establishing and perfecting the system of state governance and playing an important role in adapting the system of state governance to the economic situation after the neoliberal reform and improving the investment environment.
本文就如何对严寒地区超大型综合管廊沟槽施工过程地下水位监测提出一种监测装置,可以为类型工程项目实施水位监测提供参考。 This paper presents a monitoring device for
本文立足于现阶段膨胀性泥岩隧道施工过程所存在的问题,对高速公路膨胀性泥岩隧道施工技术进行了简要的研究。 Based on the existing problems in the construction of exp