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利用荧光定量PCR(real-time quantitative PCR,Q-PCR)技术,结合氨氧化细菌(ammonia oxidizing bacteria,AOB)和氨氧化古菌(ammonia oxidizing archaea,AOA)丰度和土壤理化性质的测定,探索了不同氮水平下间作对玉米土壤硝化势(PNF)的影响.试验设置玉米单作和与马铃薯间作两个种植模式,4个施氮水平(不施氮N0、1/2常规施氮N1、常规施氮N2和3/2常规施氮N3)的随机区组试验.结果表明,从不施氮到常规施氮,土壤硝化势和AOA、AOB数量均随施氮量增加而逐渐增加,而高氮(N3)时与N2没有显著差异;间作对土壤硝化势、AOA与AOB数量的影响与施氮量和作物生育期有关,低氮投入(N1)间作有利于增加土壤氨氧化微生物数量和硝化作用.施肥是硝化势增加的主要驱动因子,相关性分析结果表明,土壤含水量是影响PNF的主要环境因子;PNF与土壤中AOA、AOB amoA基因丰度成显著的正相关.尽管玉米马铃薯间作降低了土壤中AOA、AOB amoA基因丰度,却使得间作土壤中AOB占据氨氧化微生物数量上的优势.以上结果表明,施氮和间作均影响了土壤硝化作用和氨氧化微生物AOA和AOB数量的变化,这些变化会影响土壤环境质量. Using real-time quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), combined with the determination of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) abundance and soil physical and chemical properties, The effect of different nitrogen level on the soil nitrification potential (PNF) was studied.The experiment was to set up two planting modes of corn monocropping and potato intercropping, four nitrogen application levels (N 0, 1/2 N 1, Conventional nitrogen application N2 and 3/2 conventional nitrogen application N3) were conducted in a randomized block test. The results showed that the nitrification potential and the quantities of AOA and AOB increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate The effect of intercropping on soil nitrification potential, AOA and AOB was related to the amount of nitrogen application and crop growth period. Intercropping with low nitrogen (N1) was beneficial to increase the amount of soil ammonia oxidizing microbes and Nitrification.The fertilization was the main driving factor for the increase of nitrification potential.The results of correlation analysis showed that soil moisture content was the main environmental factor affecting PNF.The PNF had a significant positive correlation with the abundance of AOA and AOB amoA in soil.Although maize potato Intercropping reduces soil AO A, AOB amoA gene abundance, but make intercropping soil AOB occupy ammonia oxidizing microorganisms on the number of the above results show that nitrogen and intercropping both affected soil nitrification and ammonia oxidation microorganisms AOA and AOB number changes, these changes Will affect the quality of soil environment.
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