
来源 :牡丹江医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youyou061017
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鼻窦曲菌病为较少见的深部真菌感染 ,我科曾收治 2例上颌窦非侵袭型曲菌病。现结合近年有关鼻窦霉菌病文献 ,将其临床资料报告如下。1 临床资料病例 1,患者女性 ,4 9岁 ,农民 ,因回吸鼻涕有血丝伴右面部肿胀不适 4个月入院。检查鼻中隔略左偏 ,双下鼻甲肥大 ,与鼻中隔尚有小隙 Sinus aspergillosis is a rare deep fungal infection, my department has admitted 2 cases of maxillary sinus non-invasive aspergillosis. Now combined with the recent literature on sinus mycosis, the clinical data reported as follows. 1 clinical data Case 1, female patients, 49 years old, peasants, due to back to the nose with bloodshot swelling with the right facial discomfort 4 months admission. Check the left nasal septum left deviation, double turbinate hypertrophy, nasal septum still have a small gap
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