
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmy870129
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在全国妇幼卫生先进典型磐石县举行的吉林省妇幼卫生工作会议,历时5天,于9月28日结束。会议全面系统地总结了十一届三中全会以来,特别是“七五”期间全省妇幼卫生工作的主要成绩和经验,分析了妇幼卫生工作现状和存在的问题,结合省情研究制定了“八五”期间和今后十年全省妇幼卫生工作的奋斗目标和行动计划。与会同志进一步学习磐石县妇幼卫生工作经验,决心以妇幼卫生为实施初级卫生保健的突破口,把妇幼卫生工作提高到新的水平。这次会议是吉林省多年来专题研究妇幼卫生工作,规模最大的一次会议,旨在贯彻落实我国政府对世界儿童问题,两个文件的承诺和全国妇幼卫生暨合作项目工作会议精神。与会同志在研究制定规划的同时,并讨论修改了《关于贯彻实施<吉林省妇女儿童保健保偿服务管理办法>的意见》、《吉林省保健保偿服务要求》、吉林省优生条例》、《吉林省城乡基层妇幼 The Jilin Maternal and Child Health Work Conference held in Lanshi County, a state-of-the-art maternity and child health clinic, lasted for five days and ended on September 28. The meeting comprehensively and systematically summed up the main achievements and experiences of the province’s maternal and child health work since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, especially the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period. It analyzed the status quo and existing problems of maternal and child health work, and formulated a study based on provincial conditions. The goal and action plan of the province’s maternal and child health work during the 8th Five-Year Plan period and the next 10 years. The participating comrades further studied the experience of women’s and children’s health in Dangshi County and decided to use women’s and children’s health as a breakthrough point in the implementation of primary health care, and to raise the level of maternal and child health work to a new level. The conference was the largest one in Jilin Province for a special study on maternal and child health work. It aims to implement the Chinese government’s commitment to the world’s children’s issues, two documents, and the spirit of the National Women’s and Children’s Health and Cooperation Project Working Conference. At the same time as participating in the research and formulation of the plan, the participating comrades also discussed and revised the Opinions on the Implementation of the “Measures for the Management of Jilin Province Women and Children Health and Reparation Service”, the “Quality Insurance Service Requirements of Jilin Province,” and the “Jilin Pregnancy Regulations” and “ Urban and Rural Grassroots Women and Children in Jilin Province
笔者于1992年7月对本院121人离退休老干部进行内科保健检查。将体检发现的疾病分布、特点、患病情况作一分析,从而指导预防和治疗。 1 临床资料在121人中,男性31名,女性90名