《中国材料工程大典》书讯之九 众志成城,成就《大典》

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1 200多名专家学者,包括39名院士、百余名各学科学术带头人编写化学工业出版社出版,共26卷,近7 000万字成就《中国材料工程大典》这座宏伟的知识大厦,是一项历时5年的浩大工程。中国机械工程学会、中国材料研究学会牵头组织了这项工程,中国金属学会、中国化工学会、中国硅酸盐学会、中国有色金属学会和中国复合材料学会等全国知名学术组织参加了大典的编写组织工作,师昌绪等十几位院士受聘做大典编委会顾问,保证了大典成为一部集科学性、先进性和实用性 More than 1,200 experts and scholars, including 39 academicians, and more than 100 academic leaders of various disciplines prepared by Chemical Industry Press published a total of 26 volumes, nearly 70 million words Achieve “China Materials Engineering Ceremony,” this magnificent building of knowledge is A vast project that lasted five years. China Mechanical Engineering Society, China Materials Research Society took the lead in organizing the project, the Chinese Metals Society, China Chemical Society, China Silicate Society, China Nonferrous Metals Society and China Society for Composites and other well-known academic organizations participated in the compilation ceremony Work, Shi Changxu and a dozen other academics engaged as editors of the editorial board to ensure that the Dadian became a collection of scientific, advanced and practical
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