一、引言 多媒体网络信息处理技术使通信的分布性和多媒体信息处理的综合性与交互性相结合,使一些传统上是相对独立的产业如通信、计算机、电视等之间的界限正在逐渐消失。 本文描述的LED全彩屏播放制作系统,体现了当今多媒体技术应用的趋势——网络化、集成化和综合化。该系统不仅能满足视频、声
I. INTRODUCTION Multimedia network information processing technology makes the distribution of communication and the comprehensiveness and interactivity of multimedia information processing so that the boundaries between traditionally relatively independent industries such as communications, computers and television are gradually disappearing. This article describes the LED full-color playback system, reflecting the trend of today’s multimedia technology applications - networking, integration and integration. The system can not only meet the video, sound