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10月25日,“《南风窗》改革开放30年论坛——中国制造的挑战与未来”在浙江绍兴拉开帷幕。论坛由凤凰卫视时事评论员杨锦麟主持,浙江省发改委、绍兴市有关领导、南风窗杂志社社长陈中等众多嘉宾出席。国务院西部办副主任曹玉书、北京师范大学金融研究中心主任钟伟、凤凰卫视著名时事评论员石齐平、北京大学经济学院院长刘伟、中国社科院财贸经济研究所副所长高培勇、香港科技大学教授丁学良、广东社科院科研处处长丁力、深圳当代社会观察研究所所长刘开明、知名财经作家吴晓波、知名财经评论员叶檀等专家学者,分别围绕论坛主题发表了主题演讲。受《南风窗》杂志社特别邀请,本刊总编辑马季出席了该论坛。在此,我们特别编发相关专家学者在论坛上的讲演,以期能够为本刊读者提供一个思考的视角和背景。今年以来,美国次贷危机引发的全球金融海啸,致使美国乃至全球经济出现衰退迹象,中国制造业的转型升级迫在眉睫。与会专家学者新颖、深刻的见解,将带给我们很多思考和启示。 On October 25, “30 Years of Reform and Opening up of South Wind Window - Challenges and Future Made in China” kicked off in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. The Forum was moderated by Yang Jinlin, a current affairs commentator on Phoenix Satellite Television, and attended by many guests including relevant leaders of Zhejiang Development and Reform Commission, Shaoxing City and Chen Zhong, president of Nanfeng Window Magazine. Cao Yushu, deputy director of the Western Office of the State Council; Zhong Wei, director of the Financial Research Center of Beijing Normal University; Shi Qi-ping, a well-known current affairs commentator of Phoenix Satellite Television; Liu Wei, dean of the Peking University School of Economics; Gao Peiyong, deputy director of the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Professor Ding Xueliang, Director of Scientific Research Department of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences Ding Li, director of Shenzhen Institute of Contemporary Social Observatories Liu Kaiming, renowned financial writer Wu Xiaobo and renowned financial commentator Ye Tan also delivered keynote speeches around the theme of the forum. By the “South Wind” magazine special invitation, editor in chief of the magazine attended the forum. Here, we specially compiled relevant experts and scholars in the forum lecture, in order to provide our readers with a perspective and background of thinking. Since the beginning of this year, the global financial tsunami triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has caused signs of a recession in the United States and the global economy. The transformation and upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry are imminent. The participating experts and scholars new, profound insights, will give us a lot of thinking and inspiration.
对小尿素装置中一分塔内件、一段蒸发器加热器、一吸塔、氨冷器等设备进行了改造。改造后氨耗下降为590kg/t尿素,产品合格率95%以上,经济效益良好。 Small urea plant in a piec
1、要努力学习毛泽东思想。 2、要想反复辟就必须改造世界观。我们有两种可能:第一种是被别人搞垮;第二种是自己的世界观没改造好,垮掉了,这太可惜了,太痛心了。 3、掌权者
祁东县金桥镇是名闻遐迩的“草席之乡”。两千多年的草席加工历史让这座古镇名扬四海,如今,金桥草席已 Qidong County Jinqiao is famous “straw mat town ”. More than
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