Modulation of lung inflammation by surfactant and nitric oxide in E coli-induced septic acute lung i

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiayin228699
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BACKGROUND: Septic lung injury results in intractable respiratory failure and surfactant and nitric oxide (NO) may protect the lungs from injury by suppression of inflammatory process. AIM: To establish a piglet model of acute lung injury (ALI) induced by Escherichia coli peritonitis and investigates anti-inflammation mechanisms of combined surfactant and inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) treatment. METHODS: Thirty piglets (body weight 6-9 kg) were randomly allocated to either a normall group (N, n=6) with only intraperitoneal injection of normal sodium or groups with intraperitoneal injection E coli at 5×10~9 (n=6 each) followed by treatment with (1) control (C), (2) iNO at 10 ppm (NO), (3) surfactant at 100 mg/kg (Surf), (4) both surfactant and iNO (SNO). Arterial blood gas, dynamic lung compliance (C_(dyn)), resistance of respiratory system (Rrs), mean system arterial pressure, and heart rate were measured at baseline, establishment of ALl, every 2 h during the treatment. Blood routine, meth BACKGROUND: Septic lung injury results in intractable respiratory failure and surfactant and nitric oxide (NO) may protect the lungs from injury by suppression of inflammatory process. AIM: To establish a piglet model of acute lung injury (ALI) induced by Escherichia coli peritonitis and METHODS: Thirty piglets (body weight 6-9 kg) were randomly allocated to either a normall group (N, n = 6) with only intraperitoneal injection of normal sodium or groups with intraperitoneal injection E coli at 5 × 10-9 -1 (n = 6 each) followed by treatment with (1) control (C), (2) iNO at 10 ppm ( (3) surfactant at 100 mg / kg (Surf), (4) both surfactant and NO (SNO). Arterial blood gas, dynamic lung compliance (C dyn), resistance of respiratory system system arterial pressure, and heart rate were measured at baseline, establishment of AL1, every 2 h during the treatment. B lood routine, meth
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