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近期,就业市场结构性矛盾日益凸显,“用工荒、就业难、招工难”等词条再度跃上媒体头条,引起社会各界的广泛关注。促进和保障就业既是党和政府高度关注、常抓不懈的重要工作,也是职工群众最关心最直接最现实的利益问题和最困难最操心最忧虑的实际问题,甘肃省各级工会为了更好地配合政府做好就业工作,充分发挥工会组织的作用,积极探索创新工会促进就业的做法和途径。以工会帮扶中心为依托,搭建促进就业平台按照“工会组织组建到哪里,帮扶工作就要延伸到哪里”的要求,甘肃省总工会进一步强化帮扶中心在促进就业工作中的职能,为城乡就业困难人员提供就近便 Recently, structural contradictions in the employment market have become increasingly prominent, and “such problems as shortage of employment, difficulty in employment and difficulty in recruiting workers” have been leapt again in the media headlines, arousing widespread concern in the community. Promoting and safeguarding employment is not only an important task that the party and the government attach great importance to and often takes for relentless efforts, but also a worker’s masses who are most concerned about the most immediate and the most practical interests and the most difficult, worries and worries. The trade unions at all levels in Gansu Province, in order to better Cooperate with the government to do a good job in employment, give full play to the role of trade union organizations, and actively explore innovative ways and means of promoting trade unions. With the support of the trade union as the basis, the platform for promoting employment should be established in accordance with the requirements of “Where should the trade union be established and where the help work should extend to?”, Gansu Federation of Trade Unions further strengthens the functions of the support center in promoting employment , For urban and rural employment difficulties provide the nearest