PPSL T皮秒中波红外光参量发生器

来源 :红外与激光工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozao
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3~5μm中红外激光在光电对抗领域有着重要的应用前景。如果中红外激光进入皮秒量级,将使其具有更高的峰值功率和作战效能。文中采用1.06μm皮秒激光器泵浦单周期极化化学计量比钽酸锂晶体(周期为29.5μm)光参量产生器的方案,来获得皮秒中红外激光输出。其中皮秒泵浦源为自制的侧面泵浦结构1.06μm皮秒再生放大器。该激光器在1kHz重复频率下,输出功率最高为2.02W,脉冲宽度为13.6 ps。光参量发生器采用温度调谐方式,获得了3.98~3.68μm(晶体从40~200℃)皮秒中波红外可调谐激光输出。在最高泵浦功率泵浦,晶体温度为120℃时,获得最大中红外激光输出(闲频光)190 mW,光光转换效率达9.4%,充分验证了采用OPG的方式获得瓦级皮秒中红外激光输出的可行性。 3 ~ 5μm mid-infrared laser has an important application prospect in the field of photoelectric countermeasures. If the mid-infrared laser into the picosecond order, it will have a higher peak power and combat effectiveness. In this paper, the picosecond mid-infrared laser output is obtained by using a 1.06μm picosecond laser to pump the single-period polarization stoichiometry lithium tantalate crystal (29.5μm period) optical parameter generator. The picosecond pump source is a fabricated side-pumped 1.06μm picosecond regenerative amplifier. The laser at 1kHz repetition rate, the maximum output power of 2.02W, the pulse width of 13.6 ps. The optical parametric generator adopts the temperature tuning method, and obtains picosecond tunable infrared infrared tunable laser output with 3.98 ~ 3.68μm (crystal from 40 ~ 200 ℃). At the maximum pump power, the maximum mid-infrared laser output (idler light) of 190 mW and the light-to-light conversion efficiency of 9.4% were achieved at a crystal temperature of 120 ° C. Feasibility of infrared laser output.
目的观察低分子肝素治疗冠心病不稳定型心绞痛的临床疗效。方法传统抗心绞痛药阿司匹林治疗不佳的不稳定型心绞痛患者46例加用低分子肝素皮下注射5000 u次/,1次/12 h,连用7d
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