Silence in Cross-cultural Communication

来源 :科技信息(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bcdagjcly
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In academic field,silence is classified as part of the nonverbal communication.Edward T.Hall regarded silence as a key standard of dividing high-context cultures and low-context cultures(毕 46).In high-context cultures,information is provided through gestures,the use of space,and even silence.Little information is explicitly explained by words.Chinese,Japanese,Native American cultures are high-context ones.However,“in low-context cultures,the verbal message contains most of the information and very little is embedded in the context.”(Samovar,A.Larry,Richard E.Porter and Lisa A.Stefani 79).How do people from different cultures respond to silence? How their values affect their attitudes? What causes silence? In academic field, silence is classified as part of the nonverbal communication. Edward T.Hall regarded silence as a key standard of dividing high-context cultures and low-context cultures (Bi 46) .In high-context cultures, information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence. Little information is explicitly explained by words. Chinese, Japanese, Native American cultures are high-context ones. Yet, “in low-context cultures, the verbal message contains most of the information and very little is embedded in the context. ”(Samovar, A. Larry, Richard E. Porter and Lisa A. Stefani 79). How do people from different cultures respond to silence? How their values ​​affect their attitudes? What causes silence ?
文章结合一些教学工作经历, 总结出做好教育工作的前提是教育者要有一颗热爱学生的心.而教师对学生的爱要像阳光雨露般洒给所有的学生,不要让教育存在被遗忘的角落.
The paper analyzes the main social factors which affect the way of our speech,such as region,special class,age,sex and ethnicity.Because of these factors,people