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芝麻双茎栽培是利用其自身补偿能力强的特点,在幼苗期人工摘除顶尖,使第一对或第二对叶腋芽萌发生长,形成对称的双茎,增加有效蒴果数,从而增加产量的新技术。一般增产20—40%。其栽培技术要点是: 1、选择优良品种。双茎栽培应选用丰产性能好、始蒴部位低、叶片较小,结蒴多而密、抗逆性强的单杆三花早熟品种,如冀芝1号、3号等。 2、适当稀植,一般比常规栽培密度略稀或相同,以行距40厘米,每亩1万株为宜。 3、适时早播,早间、定苗。芝麻双茎栽培由 Sesame double stem cultivation is the use of its own compensation ability of the characteristics of the artificial removal of the top seedling top, so that the first pair or the second pair of leaf axillary buds germination and growth, the formation of symmetrical double stems, increasing the effective number of capsules, thereby increasing the yield of new technology. General increase of 20-40%. Its cultivation techniques are: 1, choose the fine varieties. Double-stem cultivation should be used to select high-yielding performance, the beginning part of the capsule low, smaller leaves, knot more and more dense bolt, strong resistance to single stem three flower varieties, such as Ji Zhi 1, 3 and so on. 2, Appropriate sparse planting, generally slightly thinner than the conventional planting density or the same spacing of 40 cm, 10,000 per acre is appropriate. 3, timely sow, morning, Dingmiao. Sesame double stem cultivation by
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男人们总是自诩为强者,大大咧咧地透支着自己的健康,直到把小病养成大病。为了你爱的男人,为了你的婚姻幸福,请你做一个细心妻子…… Men are always self-proclaimed men,