Progress in the application of ocean color remote sensing in China

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:romme
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After many years’ endeavor of research and application practice,the ocean color remote sensing in China has been growing into a new technique with valuable practicality from its initiate stage of trial research.With the aim of operational service,several kinds of ocean color remote sensing application systems have been developed and realized the long-term marine environmental monitoring utilizing the real-time or near real-time satellite and airborne remote sensing data.New progresses in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing in China are described,including the research of key techniques and the development of various application systems.Meanwhile,according to the application status and demand,the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward.With Chinese second ocean color satellite(HY-1B)orbiting on 11 April 2007 and the development of airborne ocean color remote sensing system for Chinese surveillance planes,great strides will take place in Chinese ocean color remote sensing application with the unique function in marine monitoring,resources management and national security,etc. After many years’ endeavor of research and application practice, the ocean color remote sensing in China has been growing into a new technique with valuable practicality from the start stage of trial research.With the aim of operational service, several kinds of ocean color remote sensing application systems have been developed and realized the long-term marine environmental monitoring utilizing the real-time or near real-time satellite and airborne remote sensing data. New progresses in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing in China are described, including the research of key techniques and the development of various application systems. Meanwhile, according to the application status and demand, the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward. WHT Chinese second ocean color satellite (HY-1B) orbiting on 11 April 2007 and the development of airborne ocean color remote sensing system for Chinese surveillance planes, great strides wil l take place in Chinese ocean color remote sensing application with the unique function in marine monitoring, resources management and national security, etc.
摘要:近些年,我国城市园林绿化建设发展很快,极大的改善了城市生态环境,园林绿化水平已经成为一个城市文明发展的重要标志。基于园林绿化工程的重要性来考虑,必须加强施工过程的管理与控制,否则会影响到园林工程的整体效果。但是,目前我国园林绿化工程施工过程中还存在着许多不足,对此,本文中将进行深入的探讨。  关键词:园林绿化;施工;质量问题;管理;控制  中图分类号:TU986文献标识码: A    园林绿
摘要:随着城市化与工业化进程的不断加快,很多中小城市和相当一部分的城镇都盲目的向城市化发展,最终将导致所有的城镇发展都是一样的模式化,没有各自发展的特点和优势。城镇需要发展,但需要因地制宜,找到符合自己城镇特色发展的道路,这样才能在城市化飞速发展中取得优势。  关键词:城镇更新 发展特色 人居环境  中图分类号:B845文献标识码: A   在我国有很多富有特色的城镇,它们因地域文化、风土人情的不