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新快报讯想减肥又管不住嘴?瑞士苏黎世联邦工学院科学家发明的可植入肥胖者手臂中的智能“减肥芯片”帮你管住嘴。据了解,这种芯片植入体内后可以实时监测血脂水平,当它发现“主人”吃得太多时,就会释放出1种激素,让人自觉放下手中食物。英国《每日邮报》报道,研究人员使用吃惯了油腻食物的超重老鼠做实验。体内被植入芯片后,这些老鼠的食量大减,体重明显降低。“尽管我们给它们提供大量的高热量食物,但老鼠的体 The new Express News want to lose weight and can not stop mouth? Switzerland Zurich Federal Institute of Technology invented the implantable obese arm in the intelligence ”slimming chips“ to help you shut up. It is understood that this chip can be placed in vivo after real-time monitoring of blood lipid levels, when it found ”owner “ when eating too much, it will release a hormone, people deliberately let go of food. The British ”Daily Mail“ reported that researchers experimenting with overweight mice who are used to eating greasy food. After the body was implanted chip, these rats greatly reduced appetite, weight was significantly reduced. ”Although we give them a lot of high-calorie food, but the mouse body
By inversing the signal and idler in a two-stage noncollinear optical parametric amplifier which is,respectively,pumped by the second harmonic and fundamental w
Based on the coupled Ginzburg-Landu equation,we numerically investigate the pulse dynamics in a dispersion-managed normal dispersion Tm-doped mode-locked fiber
A Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser(YDFL)is proposed and demonstrated using a newly developed multi-walled carbon nanotubes polyethylene oxide(MWCNTs-PEO)f