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梨茎蜂属腊翅目、茎蜂科,又名梨梢茎蜂、梨茎锯蜂,俗称折梢虫、剪头虫,是梨园的主要害虫之一。一、分布及危害全国各地梨栽培区普遍发生,是梨春梢的重要害虫。经过调查研究,我市1997年以前,在依杆其乡新老梨园普遍发现梨茎蜂的危害情况;1998~1999年在地区林科所实验林场、地区红旗坡农场、地区林木种苗管理站、柯柯牙林管站等单位的梨园初步发现;2000~2002年大量危害,危害面积已达50%~70%。成虫产卵危害春梢,它用锯状产卵器锯伤上部嫩梢及梢上叶柄,受害梢及叶片随即凋萎下垂,并在数日内干枯脱落。锯口以下变为黑色,髓部充满虫体。受害严重的梨园,满园断梢累累。大 Pear stem is a genus of the order Labrador, stem bee, also known as the pear stem bee, pear stem saw bee, commonly known as Zappers, snails, pears is one of the major pests. First, the distribution and damage Pear cultivation areas across the country are common, pear pests are important shoots. After investigation and study, before the year 1997 in our city, the hazards of pear stem bees were commonly found in the old and new pear gardens in Yiqi Township. From 1998 to 1999, the forest farms in the area were experimented, the red flag slope farms in the area, the regional tree seedling management station , Ke Keya forest station and other units of the pear orchard preliminary discovery; 2000 to 2002 a large number of hazards, the damage area has reached 50% to 70%. Adult eggs spawn spring shoots, which use saw-like ovipositor sawing the upper shoots and shoots on the top, the victim and leaves withered and then droop, and dry off within a few days. The following saw becomes black, pith is full of worms. Victims of serious pear garden, full stop off tip. Big
本文提出了一种电子刊物订阅系统的设计和实现方法,其基本思想是基于机关内网的Lotus Notes/Domino办公平台,充分利用邮件代理功能,实现了将外网信息自动分发给内网订阅用户的功
Agent技术和工作流的结合,近年来成为新的应用热点。多Agent的工作流系统以Agent和知识为中心,基于传统WMFC过程模型对这类工作流的描述存在明显的不足. 本文提出了一种新的