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内容简介:民营通信企业的新兵恒佳成功研发了数字交换机,它面临的最迫切的任务就是销售。恒佳精英销售崔大伟临危受命,一面快速组建自己的销售团队,一面将触角伸向全国各地,与竞争公司大外企爱西及同城对手天赛展开了你死我活的逐鹿之争。崔大伟的得力干将、女销售夏琳,为着目标坚忍执著并快乐地打拼着,而当事业与爱情都变得前途未卜、不可预测时,在痛苦的挣扎与抉择之后,她的人生之路应该往何处去,她的胜算又在哪里?……以一个资深职场人士的笔,记录了最惊心动魄的商战风云,展现了最真实的销售职场人生。小说故事情节环环相扣,扣人心弦,高潮悬念迭出,智慧与阴谋对峙,技巧与谋略并行,是值得每一个销售和经理人认真研读的优秀商战小说。 Introduction: The recruit of private communications company Heng Jia successfully developed the digital switch and the most urgent task it faces is sales. Hengjia Elite Sales Cui Dawei dictates, quickly set up their own sales team, one side will reach out to all parts of the country, and competing companies large foreign companies love West and city opponents Day race launched your live and die competition. Cui Dawei’s effective, dry sales Charlene, perseverance and happiness for the goal hard work, and when the cause and love have become uncertain, unpredictable, after the painful struggle and choice, her path to life should go Where to go, where is her chance of winning? ... With a pen of a veteran workplace reporter, the most soul-stirring business war record, showing the most real sales career life. Fiction story line interlocking, exciting, orgasm suspense one after another, the wisdom and conspiracy confrontation, skills and strategy in parallel, it is worth every sales and managers carefully studied the outstanding business novel.
现有的抑制素的测定方法一、生物测定法体外生物测定方法是基于抑制素对分散大鼠垂体前叶细胞培养中放免可测的 FSH 的作用。它是抑制素分离和鉴别的基础,并继续应用于生物
目的对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA聚合酶反式激活蛋白1(HBVDNAPTP1)的生物活性进行检测。方法构建pcDNA3.1(-)/myc-His A-HBVDNAPTP1载体,并使用该载体对单核细胞性白血病细胞系TH
目的了解四川省石棉县手足口病流行特征及病原体分布情况,为制定防制措施提供科学诊据。方法对石棉县2010-2014年报告的手足口病进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2010-2014年共
Based on conservation of energy principle and heat flow data in China continent, the upper limit of 1.3 μW/m3 heat production is obtained for continental crust
At the invitation of the Japanese Min-On Concert Association, a 47-member troupe of Tianjin Song and Dance Theatre organized and sent by the CPAFFC gave 55 perf
也不知从什么时候起,丈夫的萎靡和我的兴奋在夜里时常出现反差,让我无法再找到当初那种缠绵悱恻、欲仙 I do not know since when, my husband’s malaise and my excitemen