Aspheric surface measurement based on sub-aperture stitching interferometry

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In order to test convex aspheric surfaces without the aid of other null optics, a novel method combined sub-aperture stitching and interferometry called SSI (sub-aperture stitching interferometry) is introduced. In this letter, the theory, basic principle, and flow chart of SSI are researched. A synthetical optimization stitching mode and an effective stitching algorithm are established based on homogeneous coordinate's transformation and simultaneous least-squares fitting. The software of SSI is devised, and the prototype for testing of large aspheres by SSI is designed and developed. The experiment is carried out with five subapertures for a convex silicon carbide (SIC) aspheric mirror with a clear aperture of 130 mm. The peak-to-valley (PV) and root-mean-square (RMS) error are 0.186 \lambda and 0.019 \lambda, respectively. For the comparison and validation, the TMA system which contained the convex asphere is tested by interferometry. The wavefront error of the central field of the optical system is 0.068 \lambda RMS which approaches to diffraction limitation. The results conclude that this technique is feasible and accurate. It enables the non-null testing of aspheric surfaces especially for convex aspheres.
红外遥感图像受限于红外衍射极限,其分辨率普遍较低,这为红外目标的精准检测和识别带来了困难。针对此问题,提出基于深度学习的红外目标超分辨率目标识别(SROD)算法,该算法主要包括两部分:第一部分是利用 WDSR(Wide Activation for Efficient and Accurate Image Super-Resolution)对红外遥感图像进行超分辨率重建,将模拟传感器下采样方式处理
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