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被人体吸收的氟化物大部分从尿中排出,如果肾功能低下便可影响排泄,从而可能在体内蓄积。本文研究的目的是,分析年龄对氟化物代谢同肾功能的影响,探讨肾脏对氟化物的排出情况。方法选择过去无肾脏疾患的农村居民(年龄35~88岁)1088名,于早晨起床后饮水300ml,2小时后检查肌酸酐和氟化物的排除情况,再用 PSP 等试验方法检查肾功能。其次,对慢性肾功能不全的7名患者 Most of the fluoride absorbed by the body is excreted in the urine, which can be excreted if it is impaired by renal function and may accumulate in the body. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of age on fluoride metabolism with renal function, to explore the renal fluoride emissions. Methods A total of 1088 rural residents (aged 35-88 years) with no renal disease in the past were given 300ml of water after they got up in the morning and checked for creatinine and fluoride excretion after 2 hours. The renal function was checked by the PSP and other test methods. Second, seven patients with chronic renal insufficiency
作者在1992年参加援藏医疗队期间,曾会诊处理过1例巨大输卵管囊肿患者,颇为罕见,现将病例报告如下: The author participated in the medical team in Tibet during 1992, h
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1 城市雨洪资源合理利用是城市化发展的要求1.1 城市的用水量和需水量急剧增加,水资源供需矛盾加剧,迫切需要加大对城市雨洪资源的利用。2000年与1980年相比,我国城市生活用