Heating of Nanosized Liquid Water in High-Intensity Terahertz Pulses

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuizui8321
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Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of liquid water in picosecond high-power terahertz pulses are performed by using a non-polarizable potential model.Numerical results show that the energy absorption of water molecules exhibits a pronounced resonance with THz pulses in the frequency range of 14-17 THz.With the THz pulse at resonant frequencies,the maximum temperature is about 562 K by heating the water at room temperature.Further investigation indicates that the results are independent of the size of the nanoscale water box.The efficiency of energy transfer by resonant absorption is more than seven times of microwave heating.These studies show promising applications of ultrashort THz pulses. Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of liquid water in picosecond high-power terahertz pulses are performed by using a non-polarizable potential model. Numerical results show that the energy absorption of water molecules exhibits a pronounced resonance with THz pulses in the frequency range of 14 -17 THz.With the THz pulse at resonant frequencies, the maximum temperature is about 562 K by heating the water at room temperature. Further investigations said that the results are independent of the size of the nanoscale water box. Efficiency of energy transfer by resonant absorption is more than seven times of microwave heating. these studies show promising applications of ultrashort THz pulses.
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