
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robot2004
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2013年度,调查分析岩滩水库渔民6个月全部渔获物1 409.55kg、52 365尾,青鱼生物学数据21组。结果显示,库区放流青鱼的年龄与相应体长生长指标正常,体长及全长生长比例协调,88.89%的放流青鱼超出其理论体重、平均超重25.15%,库区青鱼难以自然增殖。2013年度库区水域放流青鱼31万尾,可产出青鱼123 000 kg,直接经济价值246万元,间接经济效益384万元,直接效益投入产出比1:53。放流青鱼可去除库区底栖动物1 230 000 kg,提取库区水体中的氮3 690 kg、磷740 kg。鱼类增殖放流已在岩滩水库显现较大的经济效益、生态效益及社会效益,但库区鱼类资源枯竭,渔业生态环境隐患依然存在,库区应坚持青鱼增殖放流,并进一步增加增殖放流青鱼数量。 In 2013, a total of 1 409.55kg and 52 365 caudalis were collected from all the fishermen of Yantan Reservoir in the past 6 months. 21 biological data were collected from the herring. The results showed that the age and corresponding body length growth index of the herring in the reservoir area were normal, the body length and full-length growth rate were coordinated. 88.89% of the discharged black-handed fish exceeded their theoretical weight by 25.15% on average, making it difficult for the herring to proliferate naturally. In 2013, there were 310,000 black carps released in the reservoir area, producing 123,000 kg of herring, with a direct economic value of 2.46 million yuan, an indirect economic benefit of 3.84 million yuan, and a direct benefit input-output ratio of 1:53. Releasing the herring removed 1 230 000 kg of zoobenthos in the reservoir area, extracting 3 690 kg of nitrogen and 740 kg of phosphorus from the water in the reservoir area. The proliferation of fish has shown great economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits in Yantan Reservoir. However, the depletion of fish resources in the reservoir area and the hidden dangers of fishery ecological environment still exist. The reservoirs should persist in the herd proliferation and release and further increase the proliferation and release Herring number.
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