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在猴年新春即将到来之际,为加强机关文化建设,鼓舞员工干劲,增强凝聚力,1月15日下午,中国民主促进中央机关工会、团总支、民进支部联合举办了迎新春“同唱一首歌”歌咏比赛。全国政协副主席、民进中央常务副主席张怀西,全国人大常委、民进中央副主席王立平,全国人大常委、民进中央副主席王佐书等领导同志及民进中央机关全体员工共一百余人参加了比赛。民进中央机关全体工作人员和物业管理中心工作人员分成7个代表队,每队演唱两首歌,一首为必唱歌曲《行进在无畏的行列中》,一首为自选歌曲。各代表队精神饱满、斗志昂扬,你方唱罢我登场。必唱曲目把人们带回了同抗非典的难忘岁月。“来吧,来吧,肩并肩,筑起我们新的长城,告诉岁月不屈的民族不可战胜!”嘹亮的歌声,唱出了中华民族万众一心、不畏任何艰难险阻的壮志豪情。比赛结果,宣传部代表队摘取桂冠,参政议政部、研究室代表队获第二名,办公厅秘书处代表队获第三名。 On the eve of the Lunar New Year, in order to strengthen the building of the organ culture and inspire the staff to work hard and enhance cohesion, on the afternoon of January 15, the democratic promotion of the central government’s trade unions, the general branch of the Central Government and the branch of civilian-minded people jointly organized the “ A song ”singing contest. Zhang Huaixi, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and executive vice chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party Central Committee, Wang Liping, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the National People’s Congress, Wang Zuoshu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and vice chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party Central Committee, and a total of more than 100 employees Participated in the competition. The staff of the Central Government Department and staff of the Property Management Center were divided into seven teams, each of which sang two songs, one of which was a must-sing song “Walking in awe-inspiring” and the other one was a song of choice. The teams full of energy, high morale, you sing me strike me debut. The songs must bring people back to the unforgettable years with anti-SARS. “Come on, come on, shoulder to shoulder, build our new Great Wall and tell the unyielding nation that the years are invincible!” The loud singing voice singled out the noble pride of the Chinese nation with one heart and one heart, without fear of any difficulties and dangers. Competition results, the Propaganda Department team won the laureate, participating in the Department of State, the research team won the second place, the Office of the Secretariat won the third team.
北京京城机电控股公司工会今年以“我为百亿做贡献”、 “我与组织共同成长”为题开展的经济技术创新工程,取得良好成效。该系统经济技术创新项目立项737项,参与职工2万多
为研究肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)在慢性肝病发病机制中的作用,用ELISA 法测定了慢性肝病患者血清中TNFα浓度。结果表明,各种慢性肝病患者血清TNFα水平明显高于正常对照组(P< 0-01)。这为临床诊断
核心提示:大众创业不正是一场全民阅兵吗? 与掀起创业浪潮的号角相比,创业者更需要宽容和尊敬。  9月3日,抗战胜利70周年大阅兵在天安门广场举行。此前,国家工商总局通报:上半年,全国新登记注册市场主体685.1万户,其中企业200.1万户,平均每分钟诞生约8家企业。这种速度、规模和热忱前所未见。自1978年改革开放以来,中国共举行过四次大阅兵,在此期间涌动过四次创业潮,而且每次大阅兵与创业潮的年份
战略制定的重要性远远大于执行。我们必须有这样的认知:思考整个方向和商业模式的重要性,远远大于执行的重要性。  我总结了制定好战略三部曲:预测、破局点、All in。预测就是想方向,寻找破局点就是找关键,All in就是资源全投入。每个环节都需要细细展开。  好战略第一步:预测  预测就是找到大风口。如果你能够想清楚一件事,就成功了99%。坚信这些大道理,是很难的。  预测非常重要。它意味着我们对过