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第二次世界大战后,英美以资本为纽带在英属撒哈拉以南非洲结成经济伙伴关系。双方共同的、互补的经济诉求构成双方合作的基础。双方在垄断世界经济资源方面享有共同诉求。英国需要资本开发殖民地;美国需要原料产地、商品市场并尽可能少地承担维持“秩序”的花费,形成双方互补性诉求。冲突性诉求的调和成为双方合作的助力。英国逐渐承认美国对英属殖民地资源占有的主导权,同时步步维护自身权益;美国允许英国资本共享一定经济资源,但份额和方式需由自己决定。私人资本间的联合构成英美伙伴关系的关键。英美私人资本之间的合作与分歧是双方经济关系维持的深层原因。资产阶级追求利润最大化可以放弃国家层面的竞争,同时各个集团又拥有各自的利益诉求。英美经济伙伴关系以合作为主竞争为辅,既体现于两国国家政策层面,也体现于双方私人资本之间,并未随英帝国的瓦解而终结。 After the Second World War, Britain and the United States formed their economic partnership with British Sub-Saharan Africa through capital ties. The mutual and complementary economic demands of both parties form the basis for cooperation between the two parties. Both parties enjoy common aspirations in monopolizing the world’s economic resources. The United Kingdom needs capital to develop the colony. The United States needs the raw materials origin, the commodity market and takes as little as possible to maintain the “order” costs, forming a mutually complementary claim. The reconciliation of conflicting demands has served as a catalyst for cooperation between the two parties. The United Kingdom gradually admitted that the United States dominates the possession of the British colonies while safeguarding its own rights and interests step by step. The United States allows British capital to share certain economic resources, but its share and method must be left to its own discretion. The coalition of private capital is the key to Anglo-American partnership. The cooperation and disagreement between Anglo-American private capital are the underlying reasons for the maintenance of economic relations between the two sides. The pursuit of profit maximization by the bourgeoisie can give up competition at the national level and at the same time all groups have their own interest demands. The Anglo-American economic partnership, supplemented by the cooperation-based competition, is reflected not only in the national policy of the two countries but also between the private capitals of both countries and has not ended with the collapse of the British Empire.