Neural regulation of sexual function in men

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Urology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qleeanna
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Male sexual response is controlled by a series of neurally mediated phenomena regulating libido, motivation, arousal and genital responses such as penile erection and ejaculation. These neural events that occur in a hormonally defined milieu involve different neurophysiological, neurochemical, and neuropsychological parameters controlled by central mechanisms, spinal reflexes and peripheral nervous system. Epidemiologic studies have suggested the high prevalence of male sexual dysfunction worldwide with significant impact on the quality of life of patients suffering from this problem. The incidence of sexual dysfunction is particularly high among men with neurologic disorders. Sexual dysfunction in men, such as loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction(ED), changes in arousal, and disturbances in orgasm and ejaculation may involve organic causes, psychological problems, or both. Organic male sexual disorders include a wide variety of neurologic, vasculogenic, neurovascular or hormonal factors that interfere with libido,erection, ejaculation and orgasm. Neurogenic sexual dysfunction may result from a specific neurologic problem or it could be the presenting symptom of a developing neurologic disease. Neurologic ED could result from complications of chronic neurologic disorders, trauma, surgical injury or iatrogenic causes. These etiologic factors and the underlying pathophysiologic conditions could overlap, which should be considered when making a diagnosis and selecting a treatment. A detailed history of physical examination, neurologic disorders, as well as any past history of psychological and psychiatric disturbances, and a thorough neurological examination will provide better understanding of the underlying causes of neurogenic sexual dysfunction. In patients with spinal cord injury, the location of the lesion and the time of onset of injury should be determined. Therapeutic strategies against erectile dysfunction are initiated with the least invasive options using the phosphodiesterase inhibitors. When oral medication options are exhausted, intraurethral and intracavernosal therapies and ultimately vacuum constriction devices and penile implants are considered. Recent basic research has suggested the potential role of stem cell-based therapeutic strategies to protect penile neural integrity and reverse cavernosal neurodegeneration in experimental models. Further insight into the central, spinal and peripheral neural mechanisms of male sexual response may help precise diagnosis and better management of neurogenic sexual dysfunction in men. Male sexual response is controlled by a series of neurally mediated phenomena regulating libido, motivation, arousal and genital responses such as penile erection and ejaculation. These neural events that occur in a hormonally defined milieu involve different neurophysiological, neurochemical, and neuropsychological parameters controlled by central mechanisms, spinal reflexes and peripheral nervous system. Epidemiologic studies have suggested the high prevalence of male sexual dysfunction worldwide with significant impact on the quality of life of patients suffering from this problem. The incidence of sexual dysfunction is particularly high among men with neurologic disorders. Sexual dysfunction in men, such as loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction (ED), changes in arousal, and disturbances in orgasm and ejaculation may involve organic causes, psychological problems, or both. Organic male sexual disorders include a wide variety of neurologic, vasculogenic, neurovascular or hormona l factors that interfere with libido, erection, ejaculation and orgasm. Neurogenic sexual dysfunction may result from a specific neurologic problem or it could be the presenting symptom of a developing neurologic disease. Neurologic ED could result from complications of chronic neurologic disorders, trauma, surgical injury or iatrogenic causes. These etiologic factors and the underlying pathophysiologic conditions could overlap, which should be considered when making a diagnosis and selecting a treatment. A detailed history of physical examination, neurologic disorders, as well as any past history of psychological and psychiatric disturbances , and a thorough neurological examination will provide better understanding of the underlying causes of neurogenic sexual dysfunction. In patients with spinal cord injury, the location of the lesion and the time of onset of injury should be determined. Therapeutic strategies against erectile dysfunction are initiated with the least invasive optionsusing the phosphodiesterase inhibitors. When oral medication options are exhausted, intraurethral and intracavernosal therapies and ultimately vacuum constriction devices and penile implants are considered. recent basic research has suggested the potential role of stem cell-based therapeutic strategies to protect penile neural integrity and reverse cavernosal Further insight into the central, spinal and peripheral neural mechanisms of male sexual response may help precise diagnosis and better management of neurogenic sexual dysfunction in men.
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