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以国家潮土肥力与肥料效益监测基地的长期施肥试验为基础,从土壤团聚体微域环境的角度研究潮土不同团聚体中磷的形态及含量对单施化肥和化肥配施有机肥的响应。结果表明:(1)潮土土壤团聚体主要分布在0.25~5mm范围,占土壤总重量的60.72%~77.99%;其次为>5mm团聚体;<0.25mm团聚体占的比例最低,仅为7.09%~13.68%。化肥处理0.25~5mm团聚体重量比例(60.72%)显著低于其余处理的重量比例(71.5%~77.99%),而>5mm团聚体重量比例(25.82%)显著高于其余地块的重量比例(11.90%~19.98%);在长期施用有机肥的处理(MNPK和1.5MNPK)中,<0.25mm的团聚体重量比例(7.09%)相比不施肥的(13.68%)降低了6.37%,0.25~5mm团聚体比例却增高5.95%。(2)不同粒径团聚体,施肥可显著提高有效磷、有机磷和无机磷的含量,增加幅度从大到小均依次为1.5MNPK,MNPK,NPK;全磷中无机磷所占比例(88.25%~92.67%)要远远高于有机磷所占比例(7.33%~11.75%)。(3)潮土有机磷组分,MLOP含量最高,所占比重也最大(65.97%~70.29%),MSOP居中,LOP和HSOP含量和比重最小。而作为主要形态的MLOP在各施肥处理中的含量由低到高依次为CK,NPK,MNPK,1.5MNPK;潮土中的无机磷组分里,Ca10-P含量最高,所占比重也最大(42.6%~66.8%),然后依次是Ca8-P,Al-P,O-P,Ca2-P和Fe-P。 Based on the long-term fertilization experiment of national soil and water fertility and fertilizer benefit monitoring base, the responses of the forms and contents of phosphorus in different aggregates of Chao soil to the application of chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers were studied from the perspective of soil aggregate micro-environment . The results showed that: (1) Soil aggregates in the soil mainly distributed in the range of 0.25-5 mm, accounting for 60.72% -77.99% of the total soil weight; followed by> 5mm aggregates; and <0.25 mm aggregates accounted for the lowest proportion of 7.09 % ~ 13.68%. The proportion of weight of 0.25 ~ 5mm aggregates (60.72%) in fertilizer treatment was significantly lower than that of the other treatments (71.5% ~ 77.99%), while the weight ratio of> 5mm aggregates (25.82%) was significantly higher than that of the remaining plots 11.90% ~ 19.98%). In the long-term application of organic manure (MNPK and 1.5MNPK), the weight fraction of aggregates <0.25mm (7.09%) decreased by 6.37% 5 mm aggregate ratio increased 5.95%. (2) The aggregates with different particle sizes could significantly increase the content of available phosphorus, organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus by 1.5MNPK, MNPK and NPK, respectively. The proportion of inorganic phosphorus in total phosphorus (88.25 % ~ 92.67%) is far higher than the proportion of organic phosphorus (7.33% ~ 11.75%). (3) The content of organic phosphorus in alluvial soil was the highest, with the highest proportion of MLOP (65.97% ~ 70.29%), the middle of MSOP, and the smallest content of LOP and HSOP. The main forms of MLOP in the fertilization treatment from low to high were CK, NPK, MNPK, 1.5MNPK; inorganic phosphorus in the alluvial soil, Ca10-P content is the highest, the proportion of the largest 42.6% ~ 66.8%), followed by Ca8-P, Al-P, OP, Ca2-P and Fe-P.
米非司酮是一种甾体抗孕激素制剂,与前列腺素联用已被证实是一种安全、有效的非手术终止早孕的方法. 目前药物流产已被越来越多的妇女,特别是有子宫畸形或瘢痕子宫等高危因素