Near-Earth bursty bulk flows and AE index

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwsun_2008
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With the 4-s resolution data of the magnetometer and the ion plasma analyzer on TC-1 from June to November of each year during the period of 2004―2006, we statistically analyzed the occurrence rate of both convective and field-aligned bursty flows (FABFs). A near-Earth bursty bulk flow (NEBBF) occurred during both the quiet time and substorm process. In general, the magnetic field and the plasma density began oscillating with the appearance of the NEBBF associated with a distinct increase of the AE index. The increase of AE index during the NEBBF was more than 100 nT in both quiet time and substorm process. The statistical analysis indicated that the occurrence rates of the FABFs were nearly the same in the dif-ferent stages of the AE index, but the occurrence rate of the NEBBFs was much higher in the growth stage of the AE index, indicating that the NEBBFs were di-rectly related to the growth and expansion phases of the substorm. The observa-tions suggested that the quite large number of BBFs from the mid magnetotail could enter into the near-Earth tail and play important role in triggering the sub-storm onset. With the 4-s resolution data of the magnetometer and the ion plasma analyzer on TC-1 from June to November of each year during the period of 2004-2006, we have analyzed the occurrence rate of both convective and field-aligned bursty flows ( In general, the magnetic field and the plasma density began oscillating with the appearance of the NEBBF associated with a distinct increase of the AE index (FABFs). A near-Earth bursty bulk flow (NEBBF) occurred during both the quiet time and substorm process The increase of AE index during the NEBBF was more than 100 nT in both quiet time and substorm process. The statistical analysis indicated that the occurrence rates of the FABFs were nearly the same in the dif-ferent stages of the AE index, but the Occurrence rate of the NEBBFs was much higher in the growth stage of the AE index, indicating that the NEBBFs were di-rectly related to the growth and expansion phases of the substorm. The observa-tions suggested that the quite large numb er of BBFs from the mid magnetotail could enter into near-Earth tail and play important role in triggering the sub-storm onset.
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