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把采自内华达州Preble附近的种籽萌芽出的大艾蒿幼苗(三齿蒿)栽培在含有卡林型浸梁状金矿石(取自内华达州Pinson和Getchell矿区)的土壤中,在温室里培育四个月后,把每棵植物的叶、枝和茎组合并用仪器中子活化分析(INAA)测定其中卡林型元素,包括Au、As、Sb和W.与生长在对照土壤中的植物相比,生长在含卡林金矿石的土壤中的植物并未明显地积聚更多的Au,实验植物中测出的Au含量一般为0.9—2.6×10~(-9),与对照植物的1.6×10~(-9)接近,另一方面,生长在含卡林矿石的土壤中的大艾蒿比对照植物明显积聚了更多的As和Sb,实验植物中As一般在4.4-6.4×10~(-9)之间变化,而对照植物中为0.4×10~(-6_;实验植物含Sb 0.2×10~(-6),对照植物为0.03×10~(-6),结果表明,如果用As和Sb作为探途元素,大艾蒿将成为大盆地探测隐伏的卡林型矿床的良好勘探介质。结果还表明,在干旱的环境中,大艾蒿中真实的Au异常比As、Sb异常更难与风成污染异常区分。基于这项温室研究,最佳的异常衬度将会从剥掉皮的茎或枝中的As、Sb元素的组合获得。叶子很少能够显示真实异常,因为它的表面组织不能够被充分清洗或剥掉。 Artemisia selengensis seedlings (Artemisia selengensis) germinated from seed near Preble, Nevada, were grown in soil containing Carlin-type dip-beam gold ore (taken from the Pinson and Getchell mines in Nevada) in a greenhouse After four months of incubation, the leaves, shoots and stems of each plant were combined and analyzed with instrument neutron activation analysis (INAA) for Carlin-type elements, including Au, As, Sb and W. Plants grown in control soil In contrast, plants grown in soil containing carlin gold ore did not appreciably accumulate more Au, and the Au content measured in the test plants was generally 0.9-2.6 × 10 -9, 1.6 × 10 ~ (-9). On the other hand, Artemisia annua grown in the soil containing Carmine ores significantly accumulated more As and Sb than the control plants, and As in the experimental plants generally ranged from 4.4 to 6.4 × 10 ~ (-9), while the control plants was 0.4 × 10 ~ (-6_); the experimental plants contained Sb 0.2 × 10 ~ (-6) and the control plants was 0.03 × 10 ~ (-6) , And Artemisia annua will be a good exploration medium for detecting hidden Carlin-type deposits in the Great Basin if As and Sb are used as exploration elements.The results also show that in arid environments, Au anomaly is harder to distinguish from anomaly of As and Sb than the anomaly of wind pollution. Based on this greenhouse study, the optimal anomalous contrast will be obtained from the combination of As and Sb elements in the stripped stems or branches Less able to show a real anomaly, because its surface tissue can not be adequately cleaned or stripped.
DataprocessingandanalysisofcrustaldeormationmonitoringintheFildesregion,WestAntarcticaTX@陈春明@鄂栋臣@邱卫宁Dataprocesingandanalysisofcru... DataprocessingandanalysisofcustustormationmonitoringintheFildesregion, WestAntarcticaTX @ Chen Chunming @ E dong Chen @ Q