How Improve Your Teaching

来源 :教学与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PoolD
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The avenue by which we Learn are differentSome people Learn throngh, hearing others throughseeing, antd Some use a combination of the two.However for many that isn’t enough. They mustuse these ways plus speaking and writing. studiesShow that the stmost effective method of learning isto practice what has bbeenaquired. An ameia the trend. has moved from lecture toclass participation. Stu -- dents earn letter gradeswhen they have the opportunity to ask questions, toform Small discussion groups, to role play, to ex-press ideas in writing and in Song, and even to en-gage in games that are related to the lesson. The avenue by which we Learn are differentSome people Learn throngh, hearing others throughseeing, antd Some use a combination of the two.However for many that isn’t enough. They must use these methods plus speaking and writing. studiesShow that the st efficient method of Studied letter gradeswhen they have the opportunity to ask questions, toform Small discussion groups, to role play, to ex-press ideas in writing And in Song, and even to en-gage in games that are related to the lesson.