Sequential Extraction on Oil Sandstones from TZ401 Well-A Case Study on Filling History of Hydrocarb

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tourer
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Sequential extraction was performed on two oil sandstones from the Upper Carboniferous oil columns of TZ401 well. The free oils of these two oil sandstones and a crude oil from the Lower Carboniferous oil column of this well have low ratios of C28/(C27 + C28 + C29) steranes and gammacer- ane/C31 hopanes, ranging of 0.11-0.16 and 0.09-0.15, respectively, similar to those from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. However, these two ratios for the adsorbed and inclusion oils of these two oil sandstones are relatively high, ranging of 0.29-0.31 and 0.26-0.40, respectively, similar to those of the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rock. This result demonstrates that the initial oil charging the reservoirs was derived from the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rock, whereas the later charging oil was derived from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. Sequential extraction was performed on two oil sandstones from the Upper Carboniferous oil columns of TZ401 well. The free oils of these two oil sandstones and a crude oil from the Lower Carboniferous oil column of this well have low ratios of C28 / (C27 + C28 + C29) steranes and gammacer- ane / C31 hopanes, ranging of 0.11-0.16 and 0.09-0.15, respectively, similar to those from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. However, these two ratios for the adsorbed and inclusion oils of these two oils The result demonstrates that the initial oil charging the reservoirs was derived from the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rock. compared the later charging oil was derived from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock.
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