第十一讲 农村养老保险

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由于历史的原因,我国农村与城镇的经济发展水平存在着较大的差距,社会保障制度也有所不同。多年来,根据我国农村经济的发展水平,各地区都在积极探索建立具有中国特色的农村社会保障制度,如农村养老保险制度、农村合作医疗制度等。这里只对近年来在部分农村地区开展的养老保险制度做一介绍。一、农村养老保险的概念(一)概念。农村养老保险,是中国社会保障体系中的一个特殊概念,是指在政府政策引导下农民自愿参加,以富 Due to historical reasons, there is a big gap between the level of economic development in rural areas and in cities and towns in our country. The social security system is also different. Over the years, according to the level of development of the rural economy in our country, all regions are actively exploring the establishment of a rural social security system with Chinese characteristics, such as the rural pension insurance system and the rural cooperative medical system. Here only introduce the pension insurance system carried out in some rural areas in recent years. First, the concept of rural pension (a) the concept. Rural endowment insurance is a special concept in China’s social security system. It refers to the voluntary participation of peasants under the guidance of government policies,
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