枣庄市以调资工作为契机 进一步搞活企业内部分配

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枣庄市对企业职工调整技能工资标准和增加离退休人员待遇工作十分重视。于9月27日召开大会进行具体部署。会上,市委常委、副市长杨庆文讲了话。他着重强调,要以这次调资为契机.进一步搞活企业内部分配。杨庆文副市长说,我们关于企业的某项政策和工作,都应与深化企业三项制度改革、转换企业经营机制、建立现代企业制度紧密结合起来,综合考虑。统筹安排。这次企业调资和离退休人员增加待遇工作,不能仅局限于为职工增加几十元钱的范围内,更重要的是通过调资,理顺企业各类人员的工资关系,奠定企业工资管理的基础,从而为进一步深化工资制度改革,在企业内部真正形成激励机制创造条件。我们应 Zaozhuang City attaches great importance to the adjustment of skill wages for enterprise employees and the increase in the treatment of retirees. The meeting was convened on September 27 for specific deployment. At the meeting, Yang Qingwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor, made a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to use this time of capital adjustment as an opportunity to further invigorate the internal distribution of enterprises. Deputy Mayor Yang Qingwen said that we should closely integrate a certain policy and work related to the enterprise with the deepening of the reform of the enterprise’s three systems, the transformation of the operating mechanism of the enterprise, and the establishment of a modern enterprise system. Co-ordinate arrangements. The current work of capital increase for enterprises and retired personnel can not be limited to adding a few tens of dollars to the employees. More importantly, it is necessary to rationalize the wage relationship of various types of employees and lay the foundation for the management of wages. Therefore, in order to further deepen the reform of the wage system, the formation of an incentive mechanism within the company to create conditions. We should
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