
来源 :天津市政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:propelling
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主席团各界人民代表同志们:关于镇压反革命和处置反革命罪犯问题,自中央人民政府屡次指示后,就成为我们天津市全体人民当前的一个重要政治任务了。天津市在过去的一年,关于镇压反革命的工作已在第三届第二次各界人民代表会议上作过详细的报告,经过大会切实讨论后,通过了这个报告并作出了今后镇压反革命的决议。为了忠实执行大会决议,又根据中央惩治反革命条例的精神,详细的清理了在押的积案,并根据公安局两年来积累的系统的经过长期慎密调查的材料,又逮捕了一批反革命分子。其中有一部份是在历史上一贯进行反革命的首恶分子,以及经过人民政府宽大后仍不改悔的反革命分子。这些首恶的反革命分子除在解放初期逮捕了一批外,其余一批因匿名潜藏本市甘心与人民为敌,仍继续进行反革命活动,逍遥法外,而且很猖獗。另外有一些反革命分子是自军管会第九号布告领布登记办法以来,他们不甘心向人民低头认罪,戴罪立功;反而采取了假登记,拒绝登记或登记时隐瞒了反革命组织,欺骗人民政府,并利用「合法」掩护,仍进行破坏活动。再就是美帝国主义及其走狗蒋介石残余匪帮依靠香港和台湾训 Comrades of people’s congresses of all circles in the presidium: The issue of suppressing counterrevolutionaries and handling counterrevolutionaries has become an important political task for all our people in Tianjin since the repeated instructions from the Central People’s Government. In the past year, Tianjin City conducted a detailed report on the second anti-revolutionary crackdown on people’s republics. After the parliamentary discussions, the report was adopted and a resolution to suppress the counter-revolution in the future was made . In order to faithfully implement the resolutions of the General Assembly, they also carefully cleared the accumulated cases of being detained in the spirit of the Central Government’s anti-revolutionary regulations and arrested a group of counter-revolutionaries on the basis of the systematic and long-term careful investigation materials accumulated by the Public Security Bureau over the past two years. Some of them are the anti-revolutionary elements who have always carried on the anti-revolutionary movement in history and the anti-revolutionary elements that have not regretted their regret after the people’s government was liberalized. In addition to the first batch of anti-revolutionary elements arrested during the liberation, the remaining battles continued to carry out counter-revolutionary activities with impunity and rampant because of their anonymity and their willingness to hide in the city. In addition, some counterrevolutionaries have not sincerely condemned the people for derelict guilt and meritorious service since they took office in the Ninth Bulletin of the CPPCC. They have instead taken false registrations, concealed the counterrevolutionary organizations when they refused to register or register, deceived the people’s government and, Use “legal” cover to carry out sabotage activities. Then there are the remnants of the gangs of U.S. imperialism and their lackeys, Chiang Kai-shek, relying on training in Hong Kong and Taiwan
温州是名副其实的数学之乡。 据不完全统计,在温州土生土长或者祖籍属温州的在数学方面颇有成就的教授就有200多人,其中曾担任过著名大学数学系主任或数学研究所所长职务的
在大同小异的组合泛滥到让人叫 不上名字的今天,一个名曰“ 风云少年”的崭新组合却以黑马的姿态亮相歌坛。并在今夏掀起了一股“比韩流还要韩流”的热潮。长在大陆、学习在韩