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防治鱼病时,除必须综合准确诊断病症及选用最佳的药方进行对症治疗外,抓住防治时节及研究给药方法,是防治效果好坏的关键。笔者在多年生产实践中有以下体会,供同行参考: 1.治鱼病宜早不能迟。即鱼在开始发病时就必须迅速诊断治疗,否则拖延了时间,即使对症用药,效果也不理想。因鱼病到了晚期,已严重退食或绝食,这时如果内服药饵,效果定不佳。加之水里及泥中也由于病死鱼尸体的污染,都寄生了病菌<虫>,这样给根治鱼病带来了很大困难。 2.要外、内夹攻用药。鱼塘发病死鱼时,不但鱼体有病菌<虫>寄生,而且水域、淤泥也被病源污染。因此,如果单纯使用内服鱼药,只能将鱼体内的病源杀死,要根治病菌必须同时外用消毒杀菌<虫>剂。 Prevention and treatment of fish disease, in addition to the need to comprehensively and accurately diagnose the disease and the best prescription for symptomatic treatment, seize the control of the season and study the method of administration is the key to control effect. The author in many years of production practice has the following experience for peer reference: 1. The disease should not be late. That is, the fish must be quickly diagnosed and treated when it starts to develop, otherwise the time will be delayed, even if the symptomatic treatment is not effective. Due to the late arrival of fish disease, has seriously retired or hunger strike, then if the oral medication bait, the effect is not good. Coupled with the water and mud also died of dead bodies of fish contamination, parasitic bacteria, this has brought great difficulties to radical disease. 2. In addition, the attack drugs. Fish pond dead fish, not only the fish have parasites, but also the waters, silt is also the source of pollution. Therefore, if the simple use of orally taken fish medicine, the fish can only kill the pathogen in the body, to cure bacteria must topical disinfection external agents.
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