Adjuvant Effects of Fermented Red Ginseng Extract on Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Tr

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Objective: To investigate the adjuvant therapeutic effects of fermented red ginseng(FRG) extract on non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients treated with chemotherapy. Methods: A total of 60 patients with advanced NSCLC were assigned to two groups using a random number table, i.e., the gemcitabine plus cisplatin(GP) chemotherapy alone group(26 patients) and the FRG + GP chemotherapy group(34 patients), for 60-day treatment. Patients were then assessed according to the Fatigue Symptom Inventory, Chinese medicine symptoms score, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Self-Rating Depression Scale, Karnofsky Performance Status Scale, and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung. In addition, chemotherapy toxicity and tumor biomarkers were measured. Results: For NSCLC patients after chemotherapy, FRG extract significantly improved the FSI score, CM symptoms score, psychological status, physical conditions, and quality of life and reduced chemotherapy toxicity(P<0.01), but the expression levels of carcinoembryonic antigen, cytokeratin-19 fragments, and neuron-specific enolase were not significantly different between the chemotherapy alone and the FRG + chemotherapy groups or between pre-and post-treatments(P>0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that FRG extract had an adjuvant effect on advanced NSCLC patients treated with chemotherapy. Further studies with a larger sample size will verify the current findings. Methods: A total of 60 patients with advanced NSCLC were assigned to two groups using a random number table, ie, the gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GP) chemotherapy alone group (26 patients) and the FRG + GP chemotherapy group (34 patients), for 60-day treatment. Patients were then evaluated according to the Fatigue Symptom Inventory, Chinese medicine symptoms score, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Self-Rating Depression Scale, Karnofsky Performance Status Scale, and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung. In addition, the toxicity and tumor biomarkers were measured. Results: For NSCLC patients after chemotherapy, FRG extract improved the FSI score, CM symptoms score, psychological status, physical conditions, and quality of life and reduced chemistry toxicity (P <0.01), but the expression levels of carcinoembryonic antigen, cytokeratin-19 fragments, and neuron-specific enolase were not significantly different between the chemotherapy alone and the FRG + chemotherapy groups or between pre-and post-treatments (P> 0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that FRG extract had an adjuvant effect on advanced NSCLC patients treated with chemotherapy. Further studies with a larger sample size will verify the current findings.
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幼儿园理想语言活动具有宽松的语言运用情景,能促进幼儿阅读、倾听、表述能力及其情感、思维、经验、交往等综合能力的发展,是一个教师、幼儿和环境之间形成多种功能的综合体,是一个充满生机和意义的整体,是焕发师生生命活力的复杂系统。  幼儿园语言教学对于发展幼儿的语言应用、表述、倾听能力与情感、经验、思维、交往等综合能力具有重要作用。其中表述能力对于增加幼儿的交往,促进他们初步的社会化发展具有重要意义。老师