
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhehong220
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我是1995年退休的。退休后我的生活是在“乐”中度过的,怎样乐呢? 一、以“锻炼”为乐,身体健康。我每天早上坚持活动二小时,慢跑400米左右后,再自由活动。下午打二小时台球,晚上散步约一小时。通过多年的锻炼治好了我的胃病和关节炎。从锻炼的实践中,使我认识到“生命在于运动”的真正内涵,所以,我坚信坚持锻炼,身体必康,寿必长。 二、以“劳动”为乐,延缓衰老。我出身于农民家庭,自小养成了劳动的习惯,工作后还不断参加劳动。退休后我就主动承担了采购做饭、搞卫生、养花等家务劳动。劳动后身体感觉很舒服,心里也很高兴。同时对身体新陈代谢,增强体质,延缓衰老是大有益处的。 I retired in 1995. After retirement, my life is spent in “music”. How can I enjoy it? First, to “exercise” for pleasure, good health. I insist on activities every morning for two hours, about 400 meters jogging, then free activities. Billiards play two hours in the afternoon, walk about an hour at night. After years of training, I cured my stomach and arthritis. From the practice of exercise, I realized that the real meaning of “life is movement”, therefore, I firmly believe that insist on exercise, body will be Kang, life will be long. Second, to “labor” for music, anti-aging. I was born in a peasant family and got into the habit of working since I was a child. After work, I continued to work. After retiring I took the initiative to undertake the procurement of cooking, engage in health, flower and other housework. After work feeling very comfortable body, my heart is also very happy. At the same time on the body metabolism, enhance physical fitness, anti-aging is of great benefit.
1大女都结婚了Married Them Off逃跑新娘辛吉斯敢在经历了前11次的失败恋情(其中有五次逃婚)后,瑞士公主终于在她的第12次修成正果,与比她小六岁的法国帅哥胡丁在巴黎闪婚。
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