
来源 :财政研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caway1
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振兴财政必须强化税收刘佐税收是我国财政收入最主要的来源,经过1994年工商税制改革和两年多来的逐步完善,我国已初步建立起适应社会主义市场经济体制要求的税收制度。从总体上看,我认为这次税制改革是成功的,其主要表现在三个方面:一、规范了税收制度。这次税制... To revitalize finance, we must strengthen tax revenue. Taxation of our country is the most important source of fiscal revenue in our country. After the reform of the industrial and commercial tax system in 1994 and its gradual improvement over the past two years or so, our country has initially established a tax system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economic system. Overall, I think the reform of the tax system was successful. It mainly manifested in three aspects: First, regulating the tax system. This tax system ...
Forty-three patients with primary Raynaud’sdisease have been successfully treated with acu-puncture plus moxibustion in the OPD since1980.The disease was read
The monomer cDNA of CMV satellite RNA-I was cloned into vector pUC12 (Sma 1 site) to construct recombinant plasmid pUI. One alquot of pUI was digested with two
From June,1977 to May,1983,satisfachoryresults were obtained in the treatment of epilepsywith scalp electro-acupuncture in our hospital.Ninety-eight cases with
The inhibitory effect of analogous electro-acu-puncture,i.e.deep peroneal nerve (DPN) stimulation,on hypothalamic defence area stimulation-inducedpressor react