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浙江杭州市位于钱塘江口北岸,土壤为冲积土,耕作层深厚,地势一片平坦,宜种植络麻。在耕作上络麻与春花一年两熟。春花以沟边小麦为主,一般平均亩产150-180斤,最高产量有达260.85斤。小麦是络麻的前作,络麻收剥后在紧靠畦沟两边的3-4寸处播种小麦,畦的中间再播种草子,播幅宽6-8寸。如畦面在5-6尺以上,肥料、劳力充裕吋,沟边小麦与草子中间再播种2-4行萝卜。冬季生长后,一畦中成3行或5-7行,翌年春天以铁耙在畦中翻耕草子,结合整地套作络麻。主要栽培技术有以下几点:1.选用优良品种:当地选用的优良品种,有南大2419、矮粒多、浙农17号三个良种。 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province is located in the northern bank of Qiantang estuary, soil alluvial soil, deep farming, topography is flat, should planted Ma network. In the cultivation of Ephedra and spring two flowers cooked twice a year. Spring flowers to ditch the main wheat, the average yield of 150-180 pounds per mu, the highest yield of up to 260.85 pounds. Wheat is the predecessor of marijuana. After the flax mash is harvested and peeled, the wheat is sown in the 3-4 inches on both sides of the furrow, and the sow is planted in the middle of the sow. The sowing width is 6-8 inches. If noodles in 5-6 feet above, fertilizers, labor-inch enough, Mizobe wheat and grass middle sowing 2-4 rows of radish. After the winter growth, a 畦 Zhongcheng into 3 lines or 5-7 lines, the following spring with iron rake in the plow plowed grass, combined with soil preparation set for the United States Ma. The main cultivation techniques have the following points: 1. Selection of fine varieties: the local selection of fine varieties, Nanda 2419, dwarf and more, Zhejiang three farmers 17.
1 临床资料  患儿 ,女 ,1 2岁。因反复发热、皮疹、关节痛 1月余 ,腹泻 1d入院。入院后患儿持续发热 ,伴腹胀 ,右下腹痛 ,大便每天 5~ 2 0次 ,有粘液无血。体查 :体温 40℃
复习治疗急性肝功能衰竭的各种新旧方法和体外灌注装置 ,但仅有暂时的临床改善作用 ,尚需进一步研究以求长期疗效的成功。 Review of the various old and new methods of t