
来源 :广西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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广西水利电力职业技术学院是一所以水利、电力、机电、建筑、汽车、计算机与信息等工科类专业为主,经济、管理等人文类专业有机结合的创新型高职学院。学院始建于1956年,前身为广西水电学校。2002年,升格为广西水利电力职业技术学院。2005年,学院成为广西首家获得教育部高职高专人才培养工作评估优秀学校,同年被确立为广西首批示范性高职院校建设单位。2008年,被水利部列入全国水利高等职业教育示范院校建设单位。2010年,被教育部、财政部确定为国家骨干高职院校建设单 Guangxi Water Conservancy and Electric Power Vocational and Technical College is an innovative higher vocational college with the major of engineering major such as water conservancy, electricity, mechanical and electrical, construction, automobile, computer and information, economy, management and other humanities majors. College was founded in 1956, formerly known as Guangxi Hydropower School. In 2002, upgraded to Guangxi Water Power Vocational College. In 2005, the college became the first outstanding school in Guangxi to be evaluated by the Ministry of Education for the training of higher vocational and technical personnel. In the same year, it was established as the first demonstration vocational college construction unit in Guangxi. In 2008, was listed by the Ministry of Water Resources national higher vocational education demonstration college construction unit. In 2010, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance confirmed the construction list of national key vocational colleges
China is in a dominant position in apple production globally with both the largest apple growing area and the largest export of fresh apple fruits.However,the a
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五年制高职的培养目标应更现实点,适当降低教学难度,以市场需求为导向,坚持多元化培养目标。 Five-year vocational training objectives should be more realistic point,
The extracts from thirty plants collected or brought in the market were added to the culture medium to screen their antimicrobial activities in four pathogens o